My Protectors

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Running through the mud I saw John Wayne screaming out into the air until he turned and saw me. He turns his hands into fists at his sides, stomping up to me. "You and your sister just couldn't stay away could you. I had everything under control, Mallory!"

"You injured a girl, JW. It's my job to find out why. I just want to know why." Dropping my arms at my sides with a braid falling over my shoulder.

He strides up forcefully grabbing my shoulders, shaking me around. Blinking my eyes a couple times I forced myself to not pity the other side of him. "Because I deserve the ranch, Mal. Blake didn't care about it. But I do. I've been doing everything and I'm the second born!"

"That doesn't give you the right to do whatever you think is right just to get what you think you deserve!' I shoved my hands against his chest where he stumbled backwards and I turned on my heels until he grabbed me by my hair.

John Wayne then throws me onto my back into the mud hands wrapping around my throat choking me. "I don't want to do this Mallory. But I will if you try to stop me!"

"JW!" I whimper out clawing at his hands blacking out.

Shooting my eyes opened I started screaming and thrashing feeling an iv in my arm preventing me from moving too much. The door to the room opened where a nurse tried calming me down but I pulled my freehand back almost punching her. "Miss Cessna it's alright - oh my Sheriff!"

"Woah woah I've got her." Beau rushed inside the room holding his hands up in surrender until he's at my bedside. Then he snags my wrists gently holding them down so I'd stop. "Mallory, hey eyes on me. Look at me."

His voice was stern but it worked because I locked onto his green eyes, slowing down my breathing. He didn't loosen his grip for a second until I whimpered under my breath still feeling John Wayne's hands on my throat. "Beau,'s you.."

"Yeah it's me darlin'." He removed his right hand from my wrist tucking some hair behind my ear slowly seeing as I was still jumpy. "Do you wanna tell what spooked you so bad?"

Laying my head back against the soft pillow I ran my hands down my face as he pulled up a chair sitting down. I am not sure that I should tell him the nightmare that keeps me awake. Because it eats at me that I can't seem to get past it. "It's about the guy that I said I dated a while back. He uh - he nearly killed me - and I keep reliving it over and over."

"I'm sorry. I would have knuckle dunked his teeth in for that." Beau reached over taking my freehand in his slightly clutching his jaw.

I chuckled back at his words remembering him saying that he wanted to do the same to his wife's new husband. "I believe you, Beau."

"Good because nobody should treat a woman as beautiful and amazing as you so harshly." He replied making my cheeks turn slightly red before someone knocked on the closed hospital door making us both turn our heads in that direction.

Poppernak peaked his head into the door opening it and revealing the dog that I believe I saw before everything blacked out. "Hey boss, sorry to interpret but I just finished his paperwork. So he's all good to go."

"Come here boy." Beau bent down on a knee wissiling for the dog and he ran, letting him scratch behind his ears. "Thanks Pop."

Poppernak closed the door behind him and I waved back to the talkative police officer. "I'm glad you're alright, Mal."

My eyes landed back on Beau and the dog. Seeing that the dog was wearing a bandage underneath his police vest. "Beau, who's dog is that. Is he a part of the police force now?" The dogs on the force were mostly used when we were looking for drug searches and other things.

"Well Mallory, he's a new recruit. And he's the one that helped us find you." He raised to his feet with the shepherd staring up at me wagging his tail happily. "The only thing is I have to assign him an officer as his partner. And I haven't found the right one yet."

Leaning forward in the hospital bed I nearly jumped up into the air like I was a child seeing presents under the Christmas tree. I honestly owe the dog my life. Figuring that Donno would have stabbed me much worse than he had. "I'll take him. He saved my life along with your help."

The dog barked, sticking his tongue out placing his front paws on the side of the bed. "Then he's yours, Mallory. I'll finish the paperwork." Beau turns to leave the room. "His name is Jack."

"Beau, wait." I caught him before he could leave where he halted in his tracks glancing over his shoulder at me. "I just - I wanted to thank you. If - if it wasn't for you and my sister I doubt Donno would have left me alive." I felt myself starting to cry so I wrapped my arms around myself hating for him to see me cry like this.

Suddenly he strides across the room in a few short steps. I gasped as he wrapped his muscular arms around me. He rests his chin on my shoulder squeezing me gently into his embrace. Throwing my arms around his neck I sniffed burying my face in the crook of his neck enjoying the feeling of being close with him like this. For one second ignoring the fact that my sister doesn't approve of me and him. It takes her a while before she really trusts someone. "I'll always come to your rescue, Mal. That's a promise...I've got your back."

"You called me, Mal." I barely break our hug apart, slightly smiling up at my boss. Hearing him say my nickname was music to my ears more than when he just says my full name.

He blinked trying to not let me see that he was getting a tad embarrassed about the mistake. "I'm sorry darlin'."

Shaking my head the grin on my face grew where he slumped his shoulders in relief seeing a smile back on my face. "I never said I didn't like it, Beau."

"Oh good...Texans don't normally get embarrassed but would you consider going on a date with me sometime?" He asked me, showing me a gentle smile that brightened his green eyes.

Jack barked nudging me towards Beau a little after he climbed to lay at the foot of the bed. I giggled down at the dog focusing back on the cowboy. "I'd love too, cowboy. Just don't tell my sister."

"It'll be our own little secret date, honey." He smiled in a whisper before leaving my room to handle the discharge paperwork.

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