Teasing Beau

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Unknown to either of us Jenny was sitting at the bar clutching a beer bottle in her hands watching the two of us before Cassie came and sat down beside her. "Jenny, I think you were wrong about Mallory." The blonde knew she wasn't leaving the bar anytime soon tonight.

Jenny raised her beer to her lips, scoffing. "I don't want to talk about this, Cass. She clearly doesn't care what I think, considering she was just doing karaoke with Beau a few minutes ago."

"Come on, Jenny. You can't really be mad at her over this. She is a grown person and should be able to make the choice on her own." Her friend explained ordering a beer for herself.

Jenny shook her head not wanting to admit that she might be right. Even if she was she could have told her that she changed her mind and had found someone she liked. But she didn't do anything like that, that was why she was frustrated with her little sister. "I get it, Cassie. But she lied to me. She lied to me even though she came home begging me to find her a guy that wasn't going to hurt her. I was doing my job to protect her and she just threw our trust away."

"So you're just going to be mad at her forever over this?" Cassie asked her. "I mean I get that she is your little sister. But she has to make her own choices in life. If she does get hurt again all you can do is be there for her."

Jenny sighed, pulling out some money paying the bartender sliding off the barstool. "I'll see you tomorrow, Cassie. And you're right I am doing it to look out for her. I just can't forgive her so easily."

"You did it for me with Cody. How is this any different?" Her friend asked, turning around on her barstool.

Jenny Hoyt paused in the doorway of the bar looking back at her. "I'm not gonna answer that. Goodnight Cassie."

Mallory's POV

Stretching my arms and legs out I turned over in a bed finding the other side was empty. Sitting upright I felt my head hurting from the amount of drinks we had last night at the bar. Looking around I was inside Beau's trailer where he was asleep on the couch that I could see in the living room. "Beau, Beau. Wake up." I called his name seeing he didn't move and just snored.

Grabbing one of the pillows I threw one on his stomach where he grumbled waking up rubbing his eyes looking ame confused. "Who the what - Mallory. Oh boy, we should not have drank tequila last night."

"For sure...do you happen to have any pain medicine anywhere?" I asked closing my eyes gently, laying back down, pulling the covers over my face seeing the sunlight trying to break through the curtains of the window.

Beau got up from the couch rummaging around in a cabinet or something before he gently pulled back the covers handing me a pill. Sitting back up I took it before he sat at the foot of the bed turning his phone on changing into a panicked state. "Crap I can't believe I forgot about Emily. She's gonna be so mad if I am late. And Carla has left three voicemails."

"Beau whoa slow down. What has you so freaked out. Just talk to me." I asked, swinging my legs over the side of the bed so we were sitting beside each other.

He turned his head in my direction running his freehand through his hair creating a messy look. We didn't get back to the trailer until almost midnight just talking at the bar till they closed for the evening. "I told her that we could spend the day together just the two of us. But I have this splitting headache and she is coming over in an hour."

"Hey Beau, it's okay. Look, I'll help you get through this hangover. And if you want, this could be the day I meet your daughter officially if you want." I suggested clasping my hands together in my lap feeling my headache starting to get better after taking the pain medicine.

The sheriff shot me a look of confusion at my offer. The two of you hadn't talked about meeting his daughter yet. Since we were still trying to take things slowly. "I mean if you want too we can Mallory. I don't want to pressure you into anything. Emily will probably be thrilled."

"Don't worry it won't be like the argument with my sister last night. She seems really nice, Beau." I replied, getting to my feet trying to make myself not look like I passed out here with her father before the girl would get here.

It was exactly an hour before a car pulled up in the driveway and I saw Emily get out waving bye to her mother when we stepped outside onto the porch. "Hey dad. Hey Mallory." She hugged him gently, smiling at the both of us.

"Hey 'Em, so there is something we should talk about." Beau broke the hug glancing my direction with a nervous smile on his face. He is normally a very confident person up until this moment in front of me and his daughter.

The teenage girl nodded, opening the door, putting her bag inside as we all sat down in chairs staring at one another in silence. I wasn't sure what to say or how to start the conversation between me and her. "So what did you guys want to talk about?"

"Well Em, do you remember when I was telling you about a new girl that I was dating. The truth is that she is Mallory. Jenny's sister even though the three of us work together." Beau explains slumping his shoulders still feeling nervous about what she would say next.

She grinned ear to ear, slapping her hands on her knees before getting up and hugging me suddenly. "That is so great. Mallory. Now there is some stuff I have to tell you about my dad. Like he wants to have you and your dog move in with him and he also snores sometimes at night. Oh and-"

"Alright alright kiddo. How about you get settled in for the night. I'm gonna talk with Mal." Beau held his hands up, cutting her off before she could say something else.

I chuckled watching her leave us outside alone before I intertwined his hands with mine. "Calm down Beau. I don't think she will embarrass you too much. I am just revealed that she actually likes me."

"See I told you she would. You're a special girl to me,Mallory." He leaned down kissing me where I kissed him until an idea popped into my head where I broke away from him going to find Emily.

Flinging the door opened I called down the hallway remembering something that he has done at work that me and Jenny found hilarious. "Emilf if you want to talk about your father he has a ten year old picture of himself on the sheriffs department website and he refuses to change it!"

"Mallory, I'm not changing the picture. And she doesn't need to know that." Beau sighed heavily standing in the doorway seeing us sitting on the couch laughing now.

Emily laughed falling back until she pointed her index finger at me. "He says people in Texas call him BT but I don't remember anyone ever calling him that."

Covering my mouth with my hands I started laughing even more at how easy we were getting along with Beau just standing uncomfortably in front of us. "Oh my gosh. I can't wait to hear more."

"Who wants breakfast? Oh, is that my phone? Maybe it's a call from Cassie." Beau pretended to search for his phone until I got to my feet, kissing him slowly with a smile.

Wrapping my arms around his neck he smiled into the kiss. "Awe don't worry, Beau. Isn't it important that we are bonding and like each other even if it's over you."

"I guess so, Mal." He mumbled looking back at his daughter where she takes a picture of us holding each other like this smiling back at her.

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