Cowboy Savior

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I get forcefully grabbed by the arm seeing Tonya who drew out a needle sticking it into my neck. "Beau..."

Blinking my eyes open I groaned in pain feeling a crick in my neck. I attempted to move my hair from my eyes but it didn't work. Looking down my ankles and wrists were restricted to the metal chair by zip ties. Footsteps entered the room where I saw Donno carrying the same ax that he had hit Beau over the head with in the parking lot. I attempted to get away from him but that was a dumb plan in a hostage situation. "She's a feisty one. If I stab her maybe she'll stop."

"Don't be so rash Dono. We have steps to this plan. So no stabbing yet." Tonya entered the room clasping her hands together wearing a black pants suit. "Mallory Cessna we need a favor from you and if you help us I won't let my partner here kill you."

Jerking my body around I searched around for my gun not feeling its normal weight on my hip meaning that they must have taken it. Which wasn't going to end well for me. "You're not gonna get anything out of me. You belong in prison for helping the cartels, Tonya.!"

"Actually you can help us. Because you see our buyer needs money and because you and your sister ended our mission we aim to steal that money back. By using you since you work for the sheriff's department you can get us an in." Tonya explains slowly walking around in the circle of my chair making me have to strain my neck to keep my eyes on her most of the time.

"What makes you think that will work!" I spat in her face ready to put up a fight.

She bends her knees getting eye level with me. "Because I know you're sister and that hot new sheriff will do anything to protect you. So you're here as leverage, Mallory." She holds another needle injecting it into my neck where I passed out once again.

Beau's POV
"What the hell do you mean they just took her!" Jenny hollered at me throwing her hands up in the air while we sat in her office with the door closed.

Running my fingers through my hair I knew if I told her I knew she was her sister I would only make her more angry at me. "Hoyt listen I already told you everything that happened. So we need to just go searching for her."

"I'm sorry did you just say we?" She whipped her head around glaring at me where I was almost positive she would actually punch me. "Why would I let you come with me considering you're the one that put her in this situation in the first place!"

Getting to my feet I throw my hands up in the air clipping my gun belt back on opening the door. "Because I care about her, Jenny. Now let's go save her." Slamming the door closed she followed closely after me where I felt my heart racing against my chest. Hoping that she wasn't in too much trouble.

Mallory's POV
The next time I woke up I really wished that I didn't because it was just me and Donno left alone in the room together. He pulled up a chair in front of me twirling a knife in between his fingers just blankly staring at me. I gulped, pressing my back into the chair trying to get away from him. "I prefer long range weapons. Do you have a favorite weapon?"

"No I don't. Where's Tonya?" I asked about feeling on edge with him here.

Donno gets to his feet pressing the tip of the knife to my throat where I felt him lightly nick me drawing some blood. He drew the blade back, raising my chin with the tip making me look him in the eye. "So who would beg for your life more? The sheriff or Jenny Hoyt?"

"I'm not gonna tell you anything!" I bared my teeth before he punched me in the nose where I threw my head on my shoulder feeling blood dripping from the blow. Before I could get a rest I suddenly felt a knife slice across my arms making me cry out sharply.

"You shouldn't fight back girl." He replied still holding the knife with my blood on it as I felt myself getting light headed losing energy. "Tonya chose to become one of my partners. You could too."

Clutching my hands into fists I saw that there was blood covering my shoes and I knew if I got out I probably wouldn't be able to stand on my own. "Well I'm not like Tonya. You bastard!"

"What do you say!" Donno stomped forward pressing the knife into my neck harder.

I struggled to catch my breath knowing that he will probably kill me now until I recognized a voice on the other side of the door. 'Sheriff's department!"

"Beau!" I attempted to call out where the door got kicked open by someone and Donno is tackled to the ground by a dog that looks like a German shepherd dressed in police gear.

Donno wrestled on the ground with the dog trying to stab him but when he threw the knife it landed in my lower gut. "Gah!" I screamed sucking in a shaky breath. The knife stays stuck when someone cups my face in their hands.

"Mallory, Mallory!" Beau's deep voice made me focus on just him. His green eyes filled with worry.

My sister wisseled for the dog until he climbed off Donno's body. She then handcuffed him, dragging him outside the door staring at me with worry. "I'll call an ambulance."

"Beau…the…knife…" I croaked out watching him reach for a knife from the dog's gear that stared at me with its tail tucked between his back legs.

Beau cuts the ropes on my wrists offering me his hands but when I attempt to stand my knees buckled underneath me. Luckily the shepherd moved quickly, catching my weak body. "Good job boy…" Beau's voice started to go in and out.

"I've got you, Mallory." Beau hooked one arm and another under my knees lifting me up bridal style. Laying my head against his chest I blinked my eyes a few seconds seeing the dog snarling his teeth at Donno right as I blacked out in the sheriff's arms.

Comments really appreciated

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