Our Past's Are Complicated

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Sitting up in my bed I was still half asleep stretching my arms and legs out hearing footsteps come down the hallway of our place. My sister and I decided to split the cost of the house so I didn’t have to find my own place. The footsteps halted in the doorway where I looked up. “Hey sis, Cassie called me and said she got a call from Cormac about something suspicious. So I’ll see you later.”

“Alright. Tell me what she says when you get back.” I responded hugging my knees to my cheek underneath the blankets.

She turned on her heels flipping her hair over her shoulders when she paused. “Let me just make something clear. You’re not seeing Beau right like we planned?”

Knitting my brows together I tried to play it cool like we weren’t secretly dating without her knowing. We had only had two dates and I’m not sure you could call that we had a long kiss. We only had quick little ones here or there. “What no way. We made a deal and I promised I would stick to it.”

Jenny leaned her back against the doorway crossing her arms over her chest. “Look you better not be lying to me. I don’t want you to get hurt like with JW. I dated a cop and it didn’t work out. Dating someone that you work with especially.”

“Travis and you shouldn’t have happened and I’m sorry to say that but it is true. You shouldn’t have gotten together when he was undercover.” I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest, getting a little annoyed that she was judging me.

My sister pointed her index finger at me, raising her voice towards me. “This isn’t about Travis, this is about you, Mallory. The night you found out about the girl that he killed you came home sobbing to me. I don’t want you to feel like that again. You’re my sister and I am trying to protect you.”

Tossing the covers away I got up from the bed shrugging on some black leggings with my shirt that had a cowgirl hat on the front of it. Putting my hair in a ponytail I heard my phone go off figuring it was Beau. “I understand that but you should go. Cassie is waiting for you.” She gave me a straight face exiting the bedroom leaving me alone.

“Hey darlin’ I was thinking about bringing over some pizza and beers since we have the day off. Sound cool to you?” He asked through the phone.

Closing the fridge I pulled out some beers knowing that my sister wouldn’t be back for a few hours so I could replace the ones we drank. “Yep I’ve got the beers covered. So come on over.” It wasn’t long before I heard him knock three times on the front door only an hour later.

Getting up from the couch I flung open the door smiling towards my boss. He walked in sitting the food on the table in front of the tv before embracing me in a hug. “I’ve missed you, Mal.” Nuzzling my head into his chest flinging my arms around his neck. His arms secured around my waist resting his chin on top of my head softly. Clutching my hands into fists behind his back I sniffed slowly starting to cry into his embrace where he clearly noticed. “Mallory, what’s wrong. Why are you crying? Talk to me sweetheart.”

He broke the hug gently holding his hands on my forearms. Those green eyes focused on me as I let tears slip down my face. “Beau, it’s nothing…I’m fine. Let’s eat pizza.”

I removed myself from his hold but he managed to snag my wrist quickly. “Hold on, Mallory. Seriously, you know you can talk to me. So please tell me what is bothering you.”

“Jenny and I had a fight sort of this morning…” I trailed off where he led me down to sit on the couch intertwining my hands with his in my lap. He didn’t say a word, just letting me go at my own pace. “She’s piecing together that we are getting close. I hate lying to her but she has put this idea in her head that you will be like my ex John Wayne. And I brought up her ex Travis because he’s why she won’t date cops anymore…she thinks that will happen to me…to us.”

Beau reached up, wiping away some of the tears from my cheeks. “The drug dealer cartel.” I nodded my head yes slowly before he kept talking. “Look, you shouldn’t be having fights with her about our relationship. Now you told me about your past with JW and I even have my own past. So don’t ever think that you can’t talk to me about what you think I might do wrong. I messed up with Carla and Emily but I will do better with you,”

Squeezing his hands in mine I wiped away opening the pizza box handing him a piece taking a bite out of mine. “Can I ask what happened between you two? Like why didn’t it work if you don’t mind.”

“It’s fine, don't worry.” He took a bite handing me the pepperoni from his piece since he just wanted cheese pizza tonight. “Let’s just say that we had fights over little things. Me coming home and drinking after a hard day of work. That turned into almost everyday before I left for work. And I just became different around everyone…long story short I’m trying to move past them now.”

Sitting my piece of pizza down I lay my head on his shoulder where he draped his arm over tugging me closer into his embrace. A comfortable silence filled the house while we just sat there together. Slowly turning my head I saw he was staring down at me longingly too. “You’re a good guy, Beau. I wish I would have met you first.”

“You’re perfect, Mallory. Your ex was a dumbass.” He responded in an almost mumble underneath his breath blinking once as he leans forward and I followed shortly, connecting our lips in a long kiss. He snacks his arms around my waist where I climbed in his lap, never breaking the kiss.

Running my fingers up his chest I gripped the fabric of his white flannel shirt for a few minutes before my fingers knotted themselves in his hair tugging a few strands hearing him moan into the kiss. The Texas sheriff ran his hands up my back resting one hand there moving his other up to cradle my face gently. I broke the kiss for a split second hearing us both panting but we were so caught up in the moment that neither of us seemed to care.

Beau deepened the kiss cupping the other side of my face with his hand. Wrapping my arms around his neck he leaned back onto the couch when I tilted his chin up not expecting that our day would go like this. He moved his hands underneath my shirt, breaking the kiss searching for me to tell him stop. “Do you want me to stop?”

"No. I…um. I've never done anything more than this. Not even with my ex.." I blushed, feeling embarrassed that here I was still a virgin while my sister was married and already had a kid in college.

Beau gently turned my chin back toward him so I was focused on his green eyes resting his forehead against mine. "We don't have to do anything else if you're not ready for it honey." Bending my head down I snuggle into his warmth letting him wrap his arms around me kissing my forehead until his phone rang. "Arlen, what's up. Wait, what do you mean you let her go into the woods alone?"

I could tell by the frustration in his tone that it must be the new husband he was talking too. He hung up the phone causing me to sit upright on the couch. "What was that about?"

"Carla's new husband, Avery. He let my daughter go into the woods by herself and now he called saying she was all in a panic. Also they found a dead girl's body that was brought back. I'm sorry Mallory but I've gotta go." He stood up, removing himself from my hold heading for the door.

Snatching my boots that I had accidentally thrown under the couch coming home late from the office I grabbed my cameo jacket calling his name. "Beau, wait." He paused watching me grab my house key following him to his truck. "I'm coming with you."

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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