broken arm

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today is a brand new day and it's going to be a great day.Colby just woke up and I made breckfest for the both of us and some orange juce and milk or redbull. after breckfest I grabed my lanyerd off the hook by the door and headed to my car that colby got me so that I could go to work. Right now I am a 3rd grade teacher and it's hard because over the weekend I am grading papers left in right it never stops. Hey colby i'm going to go take a walk and I will have my phone with me incase of a emergency then I can cal you. "okay injoy your walk and see you when you get back". okay, I walk out the door and I head down the stairs and out the door to the sidewalk and take out my phone turn on my music and get going on my walk.

I am walkig looking at all the sights to see in the apartment complex,I don't notice a big step up in the sidewalk and I trip and go face first onto the sidewalk,that's not good so I take out my phone and call colby and tell him what happend. Hey I fell outside on the sidewalk and I hurt my arm and i'm bleeding baddly hurry. within a few seconds of being on the phone colby and his friends were running out the side door and running to me to help me back inside. Colby picked me up bridle style and walked me inside as for the rest of the group they got the door and the elivater and the next door and then colby's house door and then his bedroom door as for colby he laied me down on his bed and ran to get the first aid kit to help me with my bleeding.

Colby it hurts so bad, "hang on Sam were is the first aid kit do you know"? "No but if I had to guess it might be in the cabinet under your sink". "Hey girl Tara here so on a scale of one to ten how badly dose it hurt"? "She's crying Tara obviously it's a 10".

"Well Jake I just had to ask you'd ask me if I was hurt". "Okay I found the first aid kit Sam will you clean her up while I hold her"? "Ya anything for you Colby, okay this might sting a little if it dose then look at Colby and Colby look at her."

I screamed in pain Colby feeling so bad for me hugging me so tight I looked at Colby crying. After Sam was all done we went to the doctor and had them look at my arm.

Colby caring me into the doctor,after the doctor looked at my arm he had to put 2 bones back in place. The doctor had me sit on the table well lay on the table so Colby laid with me. As the doctor was putting my 2 bones back in place I looked at Colby and he looked at me.

I was crying and Colby wiped away the tears in my eyes. After the doctor was done he put me in a cast of my color I went with black for Colby.

We went back to the apartment and as we walked through the door to Colby's apartment everyone was sitting on the couch waiting for me to get back. Sam drove us to the doctor so he got to see my cast first.

I told Colby that I felt so embarrassed to have fallen down people all around must have seen me and almost laughed at me. He told me that him and his friends were the only people out there besides me .

He is the best boyfriend I could ever have wanted in my whole life and I am so lucky that my knee was just bleeding and nothing else. That would have been a mess.

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