Your genuinely sick

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You woke up tossing and turning in bed and turned on the little light by your bed and it woke Colby up.  "Babe are you okay it's 3:30 AM what's going on"? Colby asked worried about you, "I don't feel good like I'm going to throw up." You said as you ripped the covers off of you and ran to the bathroom and started getting sick.

Colby came up right behind you and lifted your shirt and began rubbing your back in a circular motion. You were getting so sick Colby and you couldn't pin on why you were getting sick. After you finished hovering over the toilet aspen started crying. Colby called Sam to come watch aspen because you were not feeling good.

Sam came over to the apartment and grabbed aspen and her bag and brought her back to his house and had milk in a bottle and had Katrina feed aspen and you were still getting sick and wanted to see aspen but Colby said that if you got aspen sick it would probably be bad.

Colby walked you back to bed and as you got comfortable you were ripping the covers off of your body and stripping to you tank top and shorts and running to the bathroom and hovering over the toilet and throwing up. Colby came back and picked you up and sat in the bathroom and Cradled you for a while.

You felt a little bit better and went back to bed and were out in the living area you took your temperature and it read 100.2 and you walked back to yours Colby's and aspen's room and went to the bathroom and sat there for a while. You felt the sickness coming back and you were pale as a ghost and threw up.

You had nothing left in your stomach so how could you be throwing up still. You went back to bed and took a trashcan and set it next to your bed and you turned off the light and went back to bed. Not for long you were turning the light back on and throwing up in the trashcan and laying back in bed and feeling better.

The next day
You woke up feeling so hot so you ripped the covers off and just lay there in your bed. Colby woke up and saw you with no covers on and tried to cover you back up but you refused.

Colby got you better in no time after some medicine and some rest and throwing up you felt better in 4 days time and was aloud to see aspen again and it was like meeting her all over again like when she was born. You and aspen and Colby spent the whole day together not leaving each other's sides and just watching movies and playing with aspen and her toys.

Colby looked at you and kissed you passionately and then you both looked at aspen and you and Colby kissed her on both of her cheeks and she laughed. You and Colby laughed along with aspen.

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