Unexpected pregnancy

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I felt sick so I tried to lay down but it wouldn't help so I was dieing  because I felt so sick. colby was downstairs and sam was upstairs and his room was right across from colby's room. "sam come here". Sam came into the room and asked what he could do. "pleses go get colby I don't feel well and I feel like I am going to die." Sam ran to get colby from downstairs of the new house. "hey sam what's up is my girlfriend awake"? "ya she is awake but she isn't feeling well and she feels like she is going to die so we need to get her to the hostbitle now colby or if it get's worse she will posiblely die". Colby ran upstairs and into his room saw me so pale and flushed he picked me up and ran me to his car and had sam drive us to the hostbitle and colby was holding me and makeing sure that I was still with him.

We got to the hostbitle and ran to the nurse at the resepinest desk, "Hi my name is colby brock and this is my girlfriend and she isn't feeling well and she is so pale and flushed I think she might be dieing plese help us". Colby was crying so the resepinest ran and asked docter manning for a hostbitle bed. Docter manning ran out into the loby with the bed and colby laied me on there and ran back with the docter holding my hand. 

Docter manning ran some tests to find out why I wasn't feeling good and why I looked so flushed and pale at the same time. The blood tests came back negitive and she did a test for my heart and that came back negitive all the tests she did came back negitive she thought I really could be dieing but she wanted to do more tests just to be sure.

She did an ultra sound and and that showed a baby in my stoumic and that was probably why I looked so pale and flushed all at the same time. I was pregnet and  didn't know it and colby was going to be a dad and he was so happy for us and for me that we were going to have a baby we were so so exited we had to start preparing for the comeing of are baby.

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