My car accident

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I was driving to the store and was on the phone with Colby asking him if he needed anything from the store and I was about to turn into the store parking lot and this car came fast and got me so hard and I lost feeling in my legs.

"Babe what's wrong are you okay"? No I just got hit by a car and I can't feel my legs. Colby ran and got his friends and told them that I got hit by a car and need medical attention.

They ran to there car and drove to my location they got to there location and saw me bleeding and I'm pain from my back. The rest of the gang went to the other car and saw that the driver was drunk as a skunk.

Colby trying to open my door the ambulance came and so did the police and they came to help me and asked what happened. So I told them that there was a drunk driver awake and hit me and I lost all feeling in my lower body.

They got me to a hospital and found out that I was paralyzed. They gave Colby some exercises to do with me every day to gain strength back in my lower body. It made Colby so sad to see me in this stage.

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