Aspen is sick

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You woke up in the middle of the night and turned on your little light by your bed and got up it woke Colby up to see you up. Aspen was crying hard so Colby and you both got up. You tried to calm Aspen down and she wouldn't stop.

You walked out and into the little kitchen in the apartment and grabbed a frozen bag of Breastmilk and warmed it up in the bottle warmer and put it in the bottle and walked back to the room and handed the bottle to Colby and Aspen calmed down.

"I guess she was hungry Colby that might of been why she was crying no wet diaper so she must have been hungry". You whispered to Colby. Then Aspen vomiting all over Colby's night shirt. "Oh here Colby let me take her and let you change your shirt. Aspen started crying.

"It's okay darling I won't change my shirt till Aspen is done vomiting all over me." "Okay let me go get her a new outfit from the drawer in the closet." "Miss Aspen you need a bath after that". Aspen started vomiting all over Colby again. So Colby took off his shirt and got in the shower with Aspen and they booth took a shower and got all cleaned up.

Colby and Aspen got out and Aspen back at it and vomiting again on Colby and crying. Sam and Katrina walked in the apartment door asked if we were okay. Well. "Sam Katrina you don't know the night we had it was just vomiting all night long." "Not me Aspen was vomiting all over Colby."

Colby handed Aspen to Sam and Sam handed Aspen to Katrina and Katrina calmed her down and asked a question. "Hey do you want me and Sam to take her to the zoo and let you both have some alone time together?" "Yes" me and Colby said at the exact time.  Sam and Katrina got aspens bag ready and the headed to the zoo.

They got back and Aspen was in different clothes. "Why is Aspen in different clothes then when she left?" "Well she did vomit on Katrina a few times." "Ouch" Colby said marking a ouch face. Sam and Katrina left and the rest of the day was vomiting off and on and changing Aspen and Colby changed and so did y/n long day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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