Finally labor and delivery

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You woke up with some pain so you found the app to time contractions and the app told you to start preparing to go to the hospital. You were in so much pain it woke Colby up.

Colby saw you over on the side of the bed in pain so Colby got out of bed and came over and lifted up the back of your shirt and started rubbing your back. Your contraction stoped so you had time to breath and take a break before the next contraction.

"Hey babe I am here just breath in and out you got this". You were crying in pain and Colby had laid you back onto his chest and started rubbing your stomach to ease the pain you were in.

"Colby it hurts so bad ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh". You said in pain as Colby made you feel better. Sam woke up to Colby comforting you so he got out of bed and walked out of his room into Colby's room. "Dude are you okay"? Sam asked worried.

"Hey sam ya no she is having some contractions and they are pretty painful so I am just rubbing her back to ease the pain she is in oh hey can you get are hospital bag". "Ya man were is it?"

"It should be in the nursery next to our room". "Okay". Sam said walking out of the room. You hit the timer and you started groaning in pain and Colby kissed your forehead and made sure that you were ready to go to the hospital.  You wanted a epidural so bad but also wanted to go full natural.

You finally told Colby that you both could go to the hospital, Colby helped you up and you had another contraction as you were walking down and Colby stoped every time to help you through that specific contraction. When it was over Colby and you walked out to the car.

You got in and Colby got in and Sam got the baby bags well all of the bags into the car and you went off to have a baby. You and Colby were at a stop light and Colby leaned in and gave you a kiss. You had another contraction and it was much more painful than the last.

"Colby it hurts so bad ugh ugh ugh". "I know we will be there in about 4 minutes okay love". "Okay just it just hurts so bad". "I know". Colby said rubbing your stomach to ease the pain you are in currently.

You and Colby got to the hospital and Colby got out and came around to your side of the car and helped you out. You grabbed your pillow from the back and you both headed in and went to the labor and delivery floor. You had a really bad contraction in the elevator so you grabbed on to Colby's hand.

20 minutes later

Colby was holding his little peanut in his arms and that made him feel so special that he could be the father of your baby and that he could be there when the baby cries and when the baby is happy.

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