Sick at hospital

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You woke up feeling nauseous as you sat up your lips curled up and a stray tear came down your face as you were holding a bag to throw up in witch was an unsettling feeling. Colby saw you sitting up but no baby in hand.

Colby relinquished that you were not feeling the best and that you were wanting to go home and or get out of the hospital witch to you would be nice. You sat up even higher and leaned over your bag and started throwing up witch Colby came over and rubbed your back till baby started to cry for attention.

"Hey baby it's okay sweetheart don't cry please don't cry for mamma and dada please". You said to baby to stop crying and the baby did and you gave her to Colby and started throwing up.

Colby gave baby girl to your mom and came and rubbed your back this to you was an unsettling feeling after birth. To you that was hard.

Colby noticed that you were holding the bag filled with puke so he took the bag for on you and got you a new one and threw the one with puke on it away.

The rest of the trap house came to see the baby that you had birthed just a little while ago. Colby was proud of you and so was your mom and your dad. But mainly Colby.

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