Part 33

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Surprise! Decided to bring back Waves Wednesday this week. We are picking up from when Eve and Joe hung up in the last chapter. As always, let me know what you think!

Joe begrudgingly shuffled up the steps of the women's health center and looked for his agent John. Though it was outside of the normal realm of his responsibilities, John had insisted on accompanying Joe to any and all meetings with Lana.

"Hey kid. You ready for this?" John asked, clapping Joe on the back. "No, but that's irrelevant at this point," Joe shrugged. The two men made their way into the unmarked office where Lana was sitting down next to the receptionist filling out some forms.

"There's daddy! We've been waiting for you," she exclaimed. The technician poked her head out of the treatment room and smiled warmly at the two of them, a knowing grin that she probably shared with thousands of expectant parents, and Joe felt like screaming out that there was nothing to smile about.

They were not a couple nor a happy family. This was not the typical appointment filled with excited anticipation or dreams of a future. This was the slow, torturous drip of dread that Joe's sloppy decision making had gotten himself into.

The group followed the technician into the room and the two men stood awkwardly as Lana was prepped for the imaging. Once the scan began, Lana peppered the tech with questions about the baby's heart, brain, and spine. Joe stayed silent but locked into the screen; searching for something, anything that made him feel connected to the grainy image displayed.

The baby was more developed than the last fuzzy ultrasound photos he had; the face clearer than before and he was able to identify various body parts. Still, he felt nothing; no connection or affection towards this baby.

"Would you like to know the gender?" the tech asked, looking at Lana and Joe. "No! I want it to be a surprise—don't we daddy?" Lana peered over at Joe expectantly, her delusion nauseating. "I really don't care. It's up to you," Joe chirped. "We'll wait then," Lana cooed, disappointment at Joe's apathy apparent.

After the appointment, Joe practically sprinted out of there, shouting over his shoulder that he'd talk to John later and ignoring Lana's suggestion they hang out. He sped home and watched film for a while before Sam came over for a drink.

"How was it?" Sam inquired, nodding towards the photos of the baby haphazardly tossed onto the kitchen counter. "Awkward. Depressing. The usual," Joe scowled. Sliding over a drink to Sam, the two men silently clinked glasses before downing a round and making another.

"I don't know dude. I'm trying, I really am, but the closer we get to the due date, the more and more I feel like I'm being sentenced to life in prison," Joe groaned, leading Sam out onto the patio and turning the heaters on. "It's not really life in prison. More like 18-20," Sam joked. Rolling his eyes, Joe plopped down across from his friend and rubbed his hands over his face, his mind racing.

"How are things with Amanda? Is she settling down a bit?" Joe knew that Sam was pretty head over heels in love with Amanda, but for whatever reason, they couldn't seem to get it together. Her move to Cincinnati was the most serious things had gotten in years, and he hoped for Sam's sake she was committed this time.

"Yes and no. She's here, which is great. Somehow it feels like she's more distant now than she was when we were long distance. Everytime I take a step forward, she seems to take three back. It's like there's some invisible bubble between us that I can't seem to pop," Sam mused, staring up at the deep navy sky.

"Give her some time. Relationships are weird and scary. Sometimes it's not a straight line from Point A to Point B," Joe shrugged. "You sound like my mom," Sam laughed, "but I'll try. I mean I am trying. What about you and Eve? Seems like things are about as good as they can be."

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