Part 39

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This was turning into another long one so unfortunately, the actual Super Bowl will take place in Part 40 and I'm so excited for you to read it. As a reminder for the next few chapters, Waves is a story about adults doing adult things--if you are not comfortable with that, please do not interact!

Once they located their bags, the Wilsons were soon whisked away to the Aria where the Bengals friends and family were staying. As they were arriving just a few nights before the game, they would grab a quiet dinner just the two of them before meeting up with Joe's various friends and relatives the next morning.

Eve felt her eyes drooping throughout the evening, and at one point, Andrea nudged her foot to wake her up. "Have you slept at all this week?" Andrea asked. "Of course. Just a little jet lagged and hung over from the champagne on the flight," Eve quipped.

"You don't look good sweetheart," Andrea observed, "you have dark circles all the time. You're frail. I'm so worried about the toll work is taking on you. You must prioritize your health and wellbeing." Eve sighed and folded her napkin on the table, resting her head on her palms. "I know. I'm exhausted. But the end is in sight and soon I'll be back to my normal self."

"I hope so," Andrea frowned. They quickly finished eating and made their way back to the hotel where Eve ran into Amanda and some of her family huddled around a craps table, screaming loudly. "Eve! I'm so happy to see you," Amanda slurred, her small frame leaning into Eve's a little too much due to her level of inebriation. "I'm happy to see you too. It looks like you're up," Eve laughed, pointing to the pile of chips next to Amanda's drink.

"My brother's been coaching me. Eve, this is Nat. Nat, this is Eve," Amanda said, introducing Eve to a tall bearded man leaning against the table. "Nice to meet you Nat! Boy, I could have used you the first time I went to Vegas. Think I lost my rent money within the first 12 hours," Eve joked. "Amanda's had a couple trips like that," Nat mused. They chatted for a bit before Eve excused herself to head to her suite.

She stifled a yawn as she unlocked her door, fumbling around for the lightswitch. Once she found it, her mouth fell open at the massive floral arrangement in the entryway; a sculpture filled with roses, lilies, and of course, fragrant peonies. A small gold envelope was tucked into the base of it, and she grinned reading it, her eyes pricking with tears.

To my favorite girl–

Two weeks without you feels like two decades these days. Lucky for me, only two more sleeps until I get to grab your butt again (if you'll let me ;-) ) Thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to come cheer me on. I've always played just a little bit better with you in the stands and I know you'll be my good luck charm on Sunday. I love you so much.


Eve placed the card on the nightstand and collapsed into bed, a smile on her face. Though she had some work to catch up on tomorrow, she'd decided that she would enjoy these 72 hours in Vegas no matter what, and that after everything they'd gone through to get to this point, she would prioritize celebrating Joe over all else. Yawning for what felt like the millionth time, Eve finally turned off the lights and knocked out for hours.

She didn't wake up until the sunlight overpowered the blackout curtains, signaling that it was time to drag out of bed. Shuffling into the bathroom, she ordered a latte from the room service tablet and texted her mother to let her know she would be down in an hour. Once she finished her makeup, she scrolled through her emails waiting for her latte, forwarding several to Clara to follow up on before she saw one that caught her eye.

It was from Eileen Cline, the detective that was handing her intruder case, and attached were several photos she wanted Eve to take a look at. Enlarging them all one by one, she studied the grainy face looking back at her but drew a blank, not recognizing the person pictured. Detective Cline said the man in the photos had been spotted in Eve's neighborhood and she wanted to know if Eve recognized him. Eve wrote back with some follow up questions; her stomach queasy at the thought of being followed.

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