Part 47

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TGIF! Boy, was this a busy week. I hope you all enjoy this chapter...our favs have gotten themselves into a bit of a situation, huh?

Eve tried to keep her steps light as she walked up the steps to the small condo, not wanting to alert the occupant inside. Pausing before she rang the doorbell, she decided instead to try the doorknob and smiled when she discovered it was unlocked. What she was about to do was wrong but she couldn't stop herself; the insatiable need for revenge outweighing the risks to her career and life she had built.

Once inside, she climbed the narrow staircase to the top floor where she knew the subject of her rage was most likely relaxing. Sure enough, she spotted her instantly; lounging on the small deck with her legs outstretched and headphones on. Eve couldn't have planned a better surprise as she stealthy came up behind the woman she'd once considered a friend and yanked her up by her ponytail, shock and fear flashing on her face.

"Gee Amanda, glad to see you're not letting betrayal and extortion keep you from relaxing. Wish I had that kind of sociopathic power to compartmentalize while people I said I loved are suffering due to my actions," Eve hissed, still not letting go of Amanda's hair.

"Eve, let me go! W-what are you doing?" Amanda's panicked screams got louder and louder as Eve marched her to the edge of the deck, her much taller frame towering over Amanda while the two women struggled. Just as she began to bend Amanda over the railing, Eve felt something on her shoulder, stopping her from completing the task at hand.

"Evie? Baby it's me, don't be scared," Joe whispered, his hand gently shaking Eve awake. "Hi honey," Eve croaked, "what time is it?" "A little past three. I'm sorry to crash but I couldn't sleep and I missed you guys," Joe replied sheepishly. "You don't have to apologize. Come here," Eve said, scooting over so Joe could climb into bed with her.

It had been six days since Lana had given birth and their lives had been upended with the deceitful discovery that Amanda had something to do with it. After their initial meeting with Detective Cline in which her initial disbelief had morphed into surprised resignation, Eve and Joe had been left to wait with strict instructions not to confront Amanda or say anything to Sam. After a few days of sitting and stewing at Joe's house, Eve had gone back to her apartment to wrap up some loose ends from the Brooks case and decompress.

Every night, she'd had the same dream about confronting Amanda, although every time she got to the point where she was about to violently shove her off the balcony, she woke up for one reason or another. Tonight, it just happened to be Joe.

"You were having a pretty intense dream. I heard you say 'stop fighting me' when I first walked in. Are you okay?" Joe's brow was furrowed in the darkness as he looked at Eve with concern. "Yes. Just a goofy dream about....wrestling," Eve fibbed. Scratching Flossy behind the ears, Joe nodded and stared out the window, his own brain wandering as it had every night since the revelation.

"Why can't you sleep?" Eve asked. "I....I know I'm not supposed to. And I'm not going to, so please don't lecture me! But, I still can't stop myself from wanting to pick up the phone and call Sam." Sitting up in bed, Eve turned the lights on and stood in front of Joe, her hands firm on his shoulders.

"Joe. I understand the urge to call him. You're forgetting that I love Sam just as much as you do. Hell, if it hadn't been for Sam, I probably wouldn't have ever met you. But this is outside of our control, and if you haul off and make an emotional decision, it could complicate things, if not totally eradicate any consequences for Lana and Amanda. The police, no matter how slow we may feel they're moving, are taking the necessary precautions. Let's let them do their jobs, okay?"

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