Make it right : 3

534 13 4

Trigger warning
Guys am not much aware about medical things , so if I have made a mistake, politely correct it . I would be much appreciated.

"Taehyung wake up "

"Hey faggot "

"Taehyung can you hear me "

"Listen here you piece of shit "

"Taehyung stay with me love "

"Giving up already huh slut "

" Baby !!"

"Whore "

Taehyung heard voice or voices . Echoing through his ears to mind , completely owning the peace set of mind he had . He didn't knew which words should he believe, he could hear his love talking but also he heard him talking. Was it really that one person he eeried his whole life ? Was it him ?

No that can't be real , he can't be real !!

He tried to focus on jungkook's voice, trying his all to open his eyes and confirm that he was right there at his home  safe and secure ,but to his dismay all his efforts were just not working .

"He-he fainted all-all of a sudden I- I "
"Medics will take care sir please find rest till than '

He heard something again or someone talking about him . He tried his might as so he woke up with a jerking body and gasped as if he was holding breath for quite a long time .

"Paitent gaining consciousness I repeat -"
"Taehyung~" jungkook cried as if wailing his love's life . He fetch for the hand , grasping it internally promising to never let go
"Paitent seems unstable , we need anesthesia "
Taehyung's health was not stable he was grunting as if it was paining him all over his body .

Soon he felt his head heavy , not like that was fine before, but he panicked . He wanted to speak but- nope , it didn't work.
He desperately looked for certain someone trying to hold his hand as if it would never happen again .

"Baby am right here !" Jungkook noticed his husband's moments and so he complied the wish by holding his dear husband's trembling hands .

"Mr Kim we need to hurry it's a PTSD attack"
"What?" He wasn't sure what all of these things were or more specific what that name stands for but all he knew was taehyung was again looking horrible. 
He was coughing and from his mouth came out something which seemed like vomit , hands trembling, heavy breathing , barely managing to open his eyes but at last he gave into anesthesia and passed out. 

"Tae-taehyung?" Jungkook panicked looking at his husband who laid there looking just like a corpse but fortunately he wasn't one of em. 
"Mr Kim he's fine , we only need a lit cooperation from you we need to remove his clothes .
" Please go ahead "

Before the medics could do something they were hault at their destination - hospital and so they came out with taehyung laying unconscious on the strecher heading towards the building .

Time skip to 1 hour

Jungkook was told to sit outside the room wherein Taehyung was taken . He was pushed away from his lover whose hand he cluchted onto for this whole time .

What exactly happened?

He didn't even got any mere time to process all the things . He was arguing with taehyung than suddenly he shot out words and taehyung felt unconscious? Was it ?
But what did that guy from the medics said "it's a PTSD attack "

Does that mean ...No!
His eyes shot open. He stood up practically looking for certain someone's office that he saw when he passed by to fill the formalities at the receptionist.

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