Chapter 1 : Friendship

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Tristana's POV

"Hey Teemo. Do you mind accompanying me in--" I paused for a while. "Wait! Are you even listening to me?..." I paused again. "What are you doin'?!!"

"Huh? Yes yes!" He said.

"Do you even know what I was saying?" I asked.

"Yep, you said if I can accompany you. And I will."

"But what are you doing?"

"Doing some stuff like... sketching you." He answered.

"Oookay. So... get your self ready."

"So I'm gonna accompany you today?! It's today?! Already?! Why didn't you tell me yesterd--" I cut him off.

"Shut up you lazy head. I just decided to go there today okay?! Don't shout, don't get angry." I said.

"Okay. I'm sorry gotta take a bath. How 'bout you?"

"I already took a bath smartass." I said. "What do you think? I'll go to your house smelly. I don't also want to visit you with a bad odor."

"Aaaw, okay. Our friendship is too long, we're so loyal to each other, you know?"

"So what do you want now?" I asked. He shook his head means nothing.

*after he took a bath

"Le' go!" He said.


"Hey Rumble, what do you want now?" I asked Rumble.

Then Teemo's jaw drop. "You didn't tell me that--"

"Because you're not listening."

"Hi, Trist!" Rumble greeted.

"Hello, nice to see you." And I smiled to him.

"Why is Teemo here?" Then he rolled his eyes.

"Oh! Come on you guys! I just asked for him to accompany me." I answered.

"Oh come on Tris! It's like I'm gonna do something bad to you!" He said sarcastically.

"Not like that! I just like being with him."

"You what?!"-Rumble

"Eh, what did you say Tris?"-Teemo

"Uh, nothing Teemo!" Why did I say that anyway? I what? Like being with him? What did I make myself say that?!

"Uhmm so, what did you make me visit you btw?" I asked.

"My new invention! Shoot the ceiling of my house." Rumble answered. I nodded and grin cheekishly.

"I wanna shoot something!" I quoted and shoot the ceiling. Oh that's why he made me brought my gun.

Then the bullet didn't make a hole in the ceiling instead, bounce around, Teemo almost got shot in the chest because he's about to cover me but I made him dodge it, so do I. It's all because of the bouncing bullet instead, it hits Rumble's mecha suit that he named after me.

"Oh no! My suit!" Then he runs toward it.

"Omg! I'm sorry Rumble!" I apologized.

"It's not your fault. I didn't think about the outcome of my invention anyway. Because I put the bullet proof all around my house. But I didn't know that it'll bounce instead of just making the bullet break." He said.

"So a... a bullet proof? It's already been invented, you jerk." I laughed cheekishly.

"I mean my new work, not invention. I just wanna say 'my new invention' lol."

"You're such a fa--" I cut Teemo off.

"Don't! Don't say that word, don't be rude!" I said. "Failure!" I continued Teemo's sentence. And chuckle together.

"Oh my. We were just kidding Rumble don't be mad!" But he's still mad. "You know what. I'll treat you to make it up to you."

"Without Teemo?"

"WIthout anyone else. But not a date! See ya tomorrow 3pm, here." And we waved goodbyes.

"Are you okay with that Teemo?"

"The what? Oh, the not-a-date lunch. Of course my friend! Why are you asking me anyway?" He answered.

"In case you wanna come, I don't wanna leave you hanging you know?! We're bestfriends!" I said.

"O, yeah whatever. Shall I accompany you in going home?"

"That's sweet. Uhh, if you insist." I answered.

And he did.


I really wanna hang-out with Teemo tomorrow. But... Rumble... he's my friend too, but Teemo is more than a friend... nah, maybe just a bestfriend? Anyway, I must be with Rumble tomorrow to pay the 'bad joke' we did earlier. You know. I pity him. But Teemo. Uggh, he'll be fine Tris! Stop thinking about it...... Him.

(PS. Sorry for my bad grammar.)

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