Chapter 2: Almost-Kiss

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Rumble's POV

Not-a-date Lunch huh? Well I wanna make it special. Because ya know, got a little crush on her. Okay, I want it to be a date. Hmm. I wanna invent something for her. But no time at all. Aish. It take me several days or weeks to finish one invention. But the bullet proof... aish I didn't even impress her... instead, she made fun of me. I disappointed her too. The bullet proof it took me 6 days, but failed. I worked for it so hard. No eating lunch, dinner just only breakfast just for her, then... then... I just saw her with Teemo yesterday? Amph. Do I even deserve that? And named my Mecha suit after her.

*doorbell of the door

"Must be Tristana."

I breath heavily and open the door.

"H--"I paused. "Teemo?!!"

"Hey, uhmm... so, where are you two going?" Teemo asked.

"Do you mind not to care? So shoo! Go!" I shoo him. What's wrong with him? Grr.

And of course why am I thinking that Tristana will be earlier than 3pm? It's still 1pm. I think I'm expecting too much from her. We're just friends, atleast for her. But for me? Yah friends, but she is more than that to me.

Teemo's POV

Rumble don't want to tell me where they are going. *sigh* I'm just going home. When I got home I saw Tristana waiting in my door.

Oh shoot! "Hey Tristana! What brings you here?" I asked her calmly.

"What took you so long?!"

"Oh oh, I'm sorry. I never thought you'll pass by. I just gone to the... uhh.. uh... I just gone to Lulu's house."

"You what?!! Her?! Instead of m-" she didn't completed her sentence instead, changed the topic. "So I'm just here to see you. Can I come in?"

"Sure. But first. I'll unlock the door." Done. So we got inside my house.

"Do you wanna eat something?" I said.

"Nah I'm fine."

"I thought you and Rumble will eat lunch together?" I said.

"It's just 2pm Teemo! I can make it in time. So what are you doing here in your house?" She said.

"Being a swift scout!" I said. I can read her face said 'No really?'

"No, I'm just kidding, I'm bored. That's the truth." I said.

"You wanna come?" She asked.

"I'm fine you two can go without me."

"I can't leave you hanging and just being bored here." She said.

"I said I'm fine." I said that with a smile.

"You're so cute when you're smiling." She said with a tone of... like cuddling a baby. As if I look like a baby.

"Psssh.-- Wait look at the time it's already 2:54. You might be late you know." I said with a smile again.

"Aish. Teemo, why are you so worried about it? Don't be." But I just smiled again means okay. But she's leaning closer to me w-what?! Is she gonna kiss me? It's like she's provoking me, I wanna stop her... but that will be rude. It seems I got provoked. And I also lean closer, until she realized that it's wrong. It's all wrong and move backwards instead.

"No, i-it's wrong. I-I'm wro" I cut her off.

"Sh-sh-shhh. No no. That's okay, I'm wrong you're not. I leaned closer too anyways. Not your fault.-- Wait! 3:01 already! Not going to him yet?"

"T-Teemo. Thanks for making me feel better. Don't worry about him. I'll catch up to him later. Can I stay a lil' bit longer?" She asked.

"If you insist." I said awkwardly.

"Com'n Teemo! Don't be awkward about it anymore. You already said it before. It's okay." She smiled.

"You smile better than me." I said out of the blue.


"Oh, 4pm?" I said.

"Oh shoot! I'm so sorry, I still wanna hangout with you but--"

"Yeah yeah, just go. Bye" And we waved goodbyes.

Tristana's POV

Geez, he's like shooing me away. Well maybe he just doesn't want me to be late, well I'm already late. Geez. Geez. Geez.

*knock knock*

"Geez. Rumble, what happened to you? Why is your face full of tears?"

"Tears? N-no. Geez, Tris why are you so late? You must have been with Teemo." He said.

"Him? N-no. Wait are you copying my geez?-- It doesn't matter. I fell asleep while waiting the clock's hand to point at 3. Forgive me buddy." I lied.

"Okay, BUDDY." He emphasized the word buddy. "Let's go?"

"Okay, so? Where are we going?" I asked.

"To do Yordle's fancy resto!" He said. (Invented name)

"Okay. Isn't it expensive there?"

"Please? You said it already that you're gonna make it up to me. Please?!" He said.

"Oh, dear." I whispered. "Fine, fine."

*after eating*

"Hey Tris! Thanks again. That was so fun!"

"Uhh, yeah. Hehe." I said. Aff. Teemo is more fun to be with, no kidding.

He lean closer to me as if he's going to kiss me. No wait. Yeah he will! And he's slowly leaning closer and closer untill...

"No Rumble... This probably, honestly, really really wrong." I said and pushed him away.

"Geez, that's rude." He whispered but not loud enough for me to hear it.

"Do you even like me?" He asked.

"That's fast. Of course I like you! As a friend." I said.

"Ohh. I'm sorry about the... hmm. Almost-kiss thing." He look down as a sign that he's embarrassed.

"Aaww, that's fine."


"Not quite. Because that's wrong Rumble. It is wrong."

"Shall we continue hanging out?" He asked me.

"Sure." Geez.

That's weird. Having a double almost-kiss scene today, but the first one is... I started it, but I stopped myself. And the second one is... Rumble started it, but I stopped him.

How was Teemo right now? Is he missing me? Is he bored? Is he having fun? Whoo, stop worrying Tristana! Listen to your conscience! Well me? I miss him already.

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