Chapter 9: Pool Party

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Tristana's POV

Where could Rumble be? I roam around Bandle City because he's not in his house. Aish, why should I find him anyway. I'm just going to square bucks, Teemo and I's favorite cafe. As I'm going inside, I saw Teemo and Poppy, together, maybe that's the meeting? I'm not going in, I might disturb them.

I'm just going to the park. Just walking slowlyyyyyy. And when I got there I saw Teemo and Poppy still together, gathering apples. I don't know why, but I feel jealousy. Argh, I hate it. They looked happy together. Teemo jumped so high and bumped Poppy.

And Poppy climbed the tree and reached for the apple as she fell and Teemo tried to catch her, instead she fell into him. She burried her face into his chest. And looked at him after, then they smiled to each other, I don't know what they're saying but they are talking. But really, I'm jealous.

After that, Poppy heal his wounds, that made me go away. I called him through cellphone. He's not answering. I swear his phone is with him because he never left it at his house.

I go back to the park and saw them watching sunset, together. We used to be like that, and he said before, "You're the only girl i'll watch the sunset with."

I said, "Promise?"

He said, "Yeah."

He's a promise breaker, well it's just the first time he broke a promise to me.

After I saw that, I didn't seek for Rumble anymore.

As the days passed and Teemo's still not talking to me or text me or even call me. But whenever I saw him, he's with Poppy. Or sometimes Kennen.


A month passed and someone knocked on my door. I opened it and expected for Teemo, but it's Rumble.

"You filthy thi--"

"I'm sorry."

"I promise I'm not going to do it again. Really, I'm going to do anything just for you to love me."

"What happened to you?" I asked.

"I just got out of the jail." He said. "And I went here straight a head."

"Fine, last chance okay?" I said. He jumped in joy and hugged me. "First, go home and take a bath."

"Okay, bye!"


Months passed and Rumble and I are dating. But still, Teemo is not even talking to me for months. Whenever I call his phone and text him, I got no reply.

And I got an invitation card for the pool party tomorrow. I don't know why they didn't tell me earlier about it.


*at the pool party

I saw Rumble and tried to act like he didn't see me, because I'm sure that he's going near me again. But it's okay.

"Hey there." He greeted.

"Oh hi."

I saw Teemo with Poppy. Are they together? They are always together.

"So... you look great today huh." He said. "Sexy looking, ey." He added.

"Oh, you." I giggled.

As the party begins, I saw Teemo and attempted to go towards him but I saw Poppy went to him that make me step back. Oh crap balls. *sigh*

Teemo's POV

The party's kinda boring at first. But when Poppy came, it's not anymore! She's really fun at parties, like what I expected.

"And so the balloon popped in front of her face! And her reaction is priceless!" She said through laughter. And we laughed together.

"Uhm. EHEM." Someone fakely coughed. Oh, it's Kennen.

"Having fun?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?" I answered and his reaction changed into something... uh... indescribable. I don't know.

"Oh." He muttered and look at Poppy.

"Anyway Teemo! Let's--" Poppy said but Kennen cut her off.


"What's the problem with you?" I asked Kennen.

"Just a cough." And we all went silent. But Poppy break it.

"Uhm. I should be going. I mean I'm going somewhere." Poppy said.

"No, Poppy!" I said and grabbed her hand.

"Whaaat?" Poppy exclaimed.

And in my surprise Kennen swayed my hand off her.

"Uhmm." I muttered. "Kennen, why did you do that?"

"I uhmm... never mind." He said and ran off.

"Poppy, stay here, okay?" She just nodded.

I catch up to Kennen. "Hey Kennen. What's with you?"


"Oh really."



"I'm jealous! Okay?!!" He answered and I gasped.


"It's none of your business anymore okay?" He said and ran off. And I just sighed. When I went back to Poppy but she's no longer there. Oh.

I saw Tristana... with Rumble. Okay. They're together, maybe. I don't wanna be jealous.

"Teemo, sorry for not staying here, just like what you told me to do. But at least i'm back." Poppy said.

"Oh yeah." So we are just walking on the pool when she suddenly tripped off that made me fell down, and we're on the pool. We're getting drown but thank goodness! I caught her at the same time, her arms around my neck, her face inch away from mine. This is awkward.

I can't move. If I'm gonna move, she'll fall down. She look at me straight in the eyes and her eyes sparkled. Someone suddenly grabbed her away, and it's Kennen.

"Dude!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry, Teemo." Poppy apologized.

"Wha-- wai-- what?" I confusedly said.

"Teemo, give her some space! The both of you are so close! Literally and technically!" Kennen said angrily.

"What's your problem Kennen?! We're just friends!" Poppy said.

"Well, it's because I----


The sun is setting, and I'm watching alone. And I felt someone went beside me.

"I want us to be best friends again. I'm sorry for treating you like that. I'm sorry that I chose him over you. But I want you still to be my best friend. And I lowered my pride for you because I'm also jealous of the two of you, you and Poppy." Tristana spoke up.

"Hmm." As the sun is slowly going down I turned my face to her and hold her face and kissed her passionately.

Hey guys, it's been a long time since I last updated. Sorry for that. Just been busy. Thanks for reading anyway. Please vote and comment what you think of this chapter, hope you liked it! I love you guys! Have a great day! -love author

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