Chapter 6: Feelings

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Tristana's POV

He's being crazy!!! Why does he need to be mad?! Because it's the first time I rejected him through all these years? Because I remembered that whenever I have a training, I always skip it and didn't attend just to be with him as a friend. But now that I have feelings for him, I'm trying to avoid and remove the feelings, to be honest. But I don't wanna lose him. Uggh.

"Hey, are you okay? What's the matter?" Rumble interrupted my thoughts.

"N-no. I mean yes, I'm fine. I'm okay. Don't worry." I answered.

"You want a treat?"

"Sure, I'm already hungry anyway." I said.

Then we went to a fast food restaurant.

"Burger will do." I told Rumble my order.

"Can you order our order?" Rumble asked. Teemo is always the one who order for us. Hmp.

"What about, I order my own order. And you order your own. And! I'll pay my own order, you pay yours." I said banging my hand on the table because we already got a table. He's getting in my nerve.

I just walk away from there. Hmp. I bumped into someone. When I looked up... it's Teemo! I suddenly hug him.


"I'm sorry for rejecting you! I'm sooo so so sorry!" Because he's taller than me my face is burried in his good smelling chest.



"What?" He asked with confusion.

"I... I rejected you for the first time because... I got this weird unknown feeling inside me that I don't really understand. And. And. And."

"Whatever you're feeling..." He paused as he pulled back from the hug and just hold my shoulders. "Maybe you're just sick."

"N-no. That's not it!.... You're so cold!" I yelled.

"Then what?"

"I... I really really like you."

"Yeah, we maybe kissed twice on Valentine's, but it's just that. Maybe it's just a psycological effect."

"N-n-no! My feelings are true! I know it myself!" I protested.

"Aish. Lies." Why he doesn't want to believe me?!

"Believe me! I ain't crazy!" I said and he smiled.

"Yeah, okay. I like you, too." He said. I just gave him a what-did-you-just-said look. "Yeah, I like you."

"That's why I'm rejecting you, because I'm removing the feelings... these feelings. Because I'm afraid to get rejected."

"Hypocrite." He whispered. "But you rejected me."

"Okay! I'm really really sorry, I'm so selfish!" I apologized once more.

"Everything's fine! Stop acting crazy about it! I understand.... after all we are best friends!" Said Teemo.

B-best friends?....

"Agggh!" I groaned and walk out.

Teemo's POV

I'm so harsh to her lately. It's just.... I don't want us to be couples, yet I have feelings for her, too. But it's not my thing yet. I might not concentrate in my missions as a swift scout. Maybe it's better if we stayed as best friends.

"Yo, Teemo." Kennen greeted.

"Yo!" We fist bumped.

"What's the matter?"

"There's this girl, which is been my best friend for a lot of years. And it seems we liked each other. But I might not concentrate in my missions as a swift scout. What can you say about it?"

He laughed. "AHAHAHA! Obviously, it's Tristana, you jerk. Just be with her already, man! Do you want someone to get her?" He adviced.


"Bla bla bla! But how about my missions?!" He copied me. "No! You can do it! I'm dating Lulu but I can still focus on my trainings. It's not her, it's you who has the problem! Just balance everything!"

"Maybe this is not the right time yet."

"What if someone gets Tristana instead of you get her? This is the right time. Just know your priorities. It's either her or your freaking mission. She'll understand if you prioritize your mission. JUST! Get her already before someone get her first. At least you two are already together." He adviced.

"You're right, thanks!" I thanked him and we waved goodbyes.

I was about to call Tristana but someone called me. Poppy. Must be a problem.

"Hi? Swift Scout speaking."

"Teemo! We need you here! Jinx is messing around in Bandle City!" She said. I'm in Bandle City. Wait.

"Which street?" I asked worrying.

(Sorry if it took me several days before updating. And also sorry if this chapter is so short! I'm updating two stories that's why it took me days. But still, I hope you liked it! Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Share! Thanks for reading!)

Tristana: Author! When will you go to school?

Author: This monday... *cries in the corner* Nooooo!

Tristana: Don't cry! I'm sure you can still play League of Legends! And update your stories.

Author: I hope so....

Tristana: Hey readers! What can you say about this chapter? Comment it down! :)

(My rp blog in tumblr: and rp with me! Please!

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