part 2 . pilot

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Night falls as the city wakes. It's an electric night scene in downtown Los Angeles that Lucifer doesn't want to miss. That's why he has LUX. That's the whole point! To let loose and have fun!

He remembers being in hell. The darkness, the emptiness, the despair. Ah. Why is he thinking of hell now? He's got much more exciting, fun things to do. He checks his reflection in the mirror in front of him. Wearing a black Prada suit that fits him perfectly, outlining his slim yet muscular build, he looks too good to be alone, thinking about a place he'll never go back to.

As soon as he exits the lift that goes up and down from the first floor of LUX to his top floor home, he unexpectedly gets a call. "Hello?" Lucifer says, as he steps outside the club. He wonders if Amen somehow got his number, although he dismissed the idea immediately. Why would he use human contact services? He can just fly onto his balcony and threaten him every morning.

"Hi! Remember me?" Lucifer recognizes her voice immediately. She's a singer! He knows her. He likes her. She's beautiful, stylish and fun. A few years ago, he did her a favor. She got rich and famous.

"Kara! Hello darling, how are you?" Asks Lucifer. "I'm great thanks! I'm a minute from your new place! You gonna let me in?" She asks. "I don't know," Says Lucifer, "Can I have your autograph?" He asks, teasingly. "If I can have a drink." She says, laughing.

"Look I'm right here!" Soft smile, fair skin, beach blonde hair, she steps out of a black Cadillac, all glitz and glamor.

Sexy, soulful rock music plays throughout the club through the clear new sound system. Friday nights were one of his favorites in his new club. Lucifer walks by the bar and picks up a drink that is made and in his hand within seconds.

"What would you like to drink?" He asks, smiling fondly at her. She tells him her drink, and she's served as well. He leads her to a leather lined booth with a glass table. "So, are you going to tell me why you really came back?" He asks, taking a sip of his drink.

"Look. There's something I need to know." Says Kara, taking a sip of her drink. Up close to her, Lucifer notices she looks a little sad. "And what's that?" He asks, leaning in closer to her, with a touch of fond kindness on his face. "Did I... Did I sell my soul to the Devil?" She asks.

Lucifer laughs. A real laugh. Not a light one. "Well, that would imply the Devil's actually interested in your soul." He says, sighing. He's not. He thought his favor had made her happy. "Look, all I did was do you a favor." Says Lucifer. "With all the good, came a hell of a lot of bad." Kara says woefully.

"Oh, right, so I made you do it, did I? The alcohol? The drugs? the topless pictures? The choices are on you, darling." Lucifer says. "I mean, JJ James? I can't believe you almost married him!"

"He produced my album! You introduced me to him." Kara says, accusingly.

"I got you an in to work with him." Lucifer says, looking at her. "You know that's not what I meant when I did you that favor."

"I know." Kara says with a sigh.

"You know, he trapped me in the bathroom at the Grammys? He said he wanted us to get back together. Then heard he's marrying a supermodel! This weekend. Agh! And I'm jealous. Oh, God! I am such a mess!" Kara says unhappily. She takes a sip of her drink and lets out a bitter laugh. "God has nothing to do with your mess." Says Lucifer, feeling a twinge in his heart. He feels — ? Sorry for her? No. That couldn't be right. He — The Devil, didn't feel sorry for people. "And you didn't sell your soul, Kara... But you do owe me a favor."

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