part 3 . pilot

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It's a beautiful spring morning that Saturday, as Lucifer drives devilishly fast, speeding into Beverly Hills. His classic, black convertible shines in the bright LA sun, his wavy, black curls flowing effortlessly in the wind.

He was going to find out exactly why that excuse for a man murdered Kara. Driving to a stop, Lucifer steps out of his car and walks up a set of stairs to an open area overlooking the city and the ocean.

The stone paved plaza is filled with classic white folding chairs, all filled with people looking forwards toward a man and a woman standing at the end of an aisle. "If there is anyone here who objects to this holy union, speak now or forever hold your peace."

"Excuse me. Yes. I have a problem." Lucifer says loudly, stepping forward.

"Have any of you noticed how incredibly, jaw-droppingly, stunningly, beautiful this young woman is? Or how short, unattractive and rich, this man is? I mean, what is this... a wedding or a kidnapping?" Says Lucifer, facing the crowd of guests, just before he suddenly spins on his toes in his smooth glossy black shoes, turning back around and facing the priest, who has started to pray. "Hello, Father. Oh, good luck with that. Do say hello for me. It's been a while."

Turning to a short white man in his early forties, with brown eyes and brown hair, Lucifer says,  "JJ. James! Remember me?" "Hey, man, this is a private event." Says JJ, looking nervous and a little angry, and not at all happy to see Lucifer.

"What a beautiful ceremony! It's a lavish one for a record producer on the outs." Says Lucifer. "You do remember me, don't you?" He asks. "Yeah, yeah, I remember you." Says JJ, looking at him in the eyes for the first time since he's got here.

"Well, I can't believe that you're getting married the day after your once fiancé, once brightest star, was murdered in cold blood."
Says Lucifer. "Look, it's all very sad. But you know what, she's outta my life now." Says JJ. "She ruined my wedding with her. I don't know what you want me to say."

"It's hard to get rejected, isn't it, JJ? Twice." Says Lucifer. "What?" Asks JJ, affronted. "Well, she told me you tried to get her back recently. I mean, I'd kill someone if they denied me once. But twice? What do you say, JJ, hm? Did you want her dead?"

Lucifer looks directly into JJ's eyes, and for a split second, it looks as though he can see his soul.

"Look, stop looking at me like that. I am NOT playing that mind game with you." JJ says angrily.

"I was furious and heartbroken when she left, but I think, I think I've gotten over her pretty well." JJ says with a smile that looks more like a sneer. "Yes, clearly." Says Lucifer. looking at the beautiful woman across him.

He wanted continue his manically devilish torture of JJ - who was a small man, his brain so obviously dull. Lucifer had just easily seen his greatest desire in that deranged little head of his - and it was to never be humiliated.

Well, that meant that he could check that off the list of things he'd have to do today... He had already executed the first part of the plan, so why not finish what he'd started?

"You should go play your mind games with LV Platinum." JJ says quickly. "The rapper?" Asks Lucifer, confused. "Kara left me and got together with that lunatic. They were always fighting, and he surrounds himself with gun toting morons 24-7." JJ says hastily.

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