part 6 . pilot

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"Excuse me, excuse me." Says Lucifer, as he slips past a man in a black jacket that says SECURITY in bold white letters. "Hey, Hey! Sir? Sir!" He yells angrily, as Lucifer walks calmly onto a road under a bridge.

A dark grey car rounds the corner behind Lucifer and speeds towards him at at least 110 miles an hour, a police car in pursuit following it with flashing lights. Seconds later dark grey car flips over and lands with a loud crunching, crushing sound just a foot away from Lucifer, still walking calmly onto the set of a movie production.

"Who the fuck is this guy?" A man screams. The man gets up out of his chair and walks up to Lucifer, furious. "What the hell are you doing?" He asks angrily, pointing at Lucifer. "Hi, yeah, sorry, he's with me." Says Christina, flashing her badge at the man, who's shirt has the word director written on it. "That's not Grey Cooper." Says Lucifer, putting his hands in his pockets and looking around.

"No, no it's not." Says Christina, looking angrily at Lucifer. "What the hell is this?" The director asks again, still angry, but wary now. He looks at the gun and badge on Christina's hip, and folds his arms across his chest. "We need to speak with Mr. Grey Cooper." Says Christina, cool and direct. "Immediately."

"Kara. Yeah, heard about that this morning. I can't believe it. We did a movie together last year. We got close." Says Grey. He's tall, with flawlessly styled blonde/brown hair. He's wearing a navy blue turtleneck, and well-fitting, dark brown pants with a matching brown belt, and polished loafers. He's also wearing a bright gold watch that glints with familiarity on his wrist.

"Lovers?" Asks Lucifer. "Friends." Says Grey, impassive. "Friends who were lovers?" Lucifer asks pointedly. "I'll ask the questions." Says Christina, her eyes narrowing at Lucifer. "Mr. Cooper, when was the last time you were in contact with Kara?" She asks.

"I just have one more question before you proceed with the boring ones." Says Lucifer, interrupting her, again. She tried to keep her cool as Lucifer smiles charmingly at Grey.

"Tell me, Mr. Cooper, what do you want more than anything in this world? What's your deepest, darkest desire? When you close your eyes, what do you see?" Lucifer says, leaning forward and looking directly into Grey's eyes.

"I'm the president of the United States of America." Says Grey, looking blankly back into Lucifer's eyes. "Ah. Ha! Well, who's the Devil now?" Says Lucifer.

"Those are some pretty big aspirations, Mr. Cooper." Says Christina. He stands there confused, and tries to laugh it off. "Well, after the acting." He says, smiling warmly at them.

"Hey, if Arnold can do it, right?" Says Christina, laughing lightly. "Now, you wouldn't want any nasty secrets screwing that up for you, though, would you?" She says.

"Is there a point to this?" Grey asks, folding his arms. "Mr. Cooper, were you having an affair with Kara?" Christina asks him bluntly, as a slim woman with long brown hair and smooth skin walks up to them. "Honey! Have you been getting my texts? I thought they were breaking for lunch like a half-hour ago. What's going on?"

"It's Amanda Alford." Says Lucifer, whispering in Christina's ear.

She doesn't acknowledge him. As if she doesn't know that.

"These people are detectives." Says Grey, looking uncomfortable. "We have some questions about Kara." Says Christina. "Oh. Yes, it's so sad." Says Amanda. "Yeah. Very sad." Christina says, with a hint of sarcasm. "Your watch, where'd you get that?" She says pointing at Grey's wrist. "Oh," He says offhandedly, "it's a prop."

"No, that's the one Kara gave you, isn't it? Says Amanda, looking at her husband. "For Time Will Tell?" "Oh, right. That's the movie that we did. It was a wrap gift." He says laughing, but it doesn't reach his eyes. "Did she buy a $10,000 watch for the whole crew?" Says Christina, looking at Grey closely.

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