part 2 . lucifer stay, good devil

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In the following days after she was shot, Christina had been having vivid dreams. Of Lucifer. She wasn't sure what she saw... But she knew it couldn't be true.

There was a logical explanation. Like, Lucifer hadn't been shot... Or the bullet noises she'd heard had just been her hallucinating from the pain. Or, she just hadn't been able to see or hear anything clearly on the floor of that music studio.

She had probably blacked out as soon as she was shot. Her unconscious mind making up fantastical images in her brain to sooth the agonizing pain.

The dark brown leather booth was cool and comfortable, Christina thought, as she sat in the far right corner of Lucifer's club, trying to stay hidden.

Wearing all black, sunglasses on, her curly hair falling loosely over her shoulders, her eyes are focused on the tall dark-haired man who sits at ease, playing the glossy black grand piano in the center of the room.

A glass filled with sparkling liquid is placed roughly onto the table in her booth. "I didn't order a drink." She says, looking at the flute of sparkling rosé, now sitting on the glass table in front of her. "Courtesy of the owner." Says Maia, as Christina looks up.

"Would you like something to eat?" She asks her politely. "This place serves food?" Christina asks, surprised. "Yes. Would you like a menu?" Maia asks, polite as ever, her voice sickeningly sweet, and slightly mocking.

"No. No thank you." Says Christina, mimicking Maia's fake politeness. "So, this drink... is from Lucifer?" She asks, slowly. "He asked me to make you something you'd like." Maia says, her lip curling. "Did I get it wrong?" She asks, a mocking tone to her question.

"You and Lucifer seem... close." Says Christina, ignoring the slights, looking at Maia intently. "I followed him... Through the gates... Of Hell." Maia says slowly, a soft caress in her voice.

"Oh... Kay... So yes, then. " Christina says, a little creeped out.

Maia walks away, her heels clicking on the dark hardwood floors. Well. Now that she knows her cover is blown, there's no reason to sit there. So, she stands up and walks through the club until she reaches the piano. "Hello, Detective." Lucifer purrs, smiling alluringly at her. "How has your undercover surveillance of my activities tonight been going so far?" He asks, smirking.

Christina rests her right arm on the piano, and looks at Lucifer intently.

"I've been looking into you." She says, getting straight to the point. "Your legal name really is Lucifer Morningstar. And it seems as though up until five years ago, you didn't exist." She says, with an edge to her voice.

"On earth? no." He confirms, still playing the piano, his fingers crossing over on the ivory keys.

People don't appear out of thin air.

"How did you live through getting shot six times by JJ James? And why do you always act as if you're the Devil?" She asks.

"I get it. Okay? I get that you're an actor. But look, I'm not gonna ruin your act, all right? I just want to know the truth." Christina says bluntly.

"Is this your normal reaction when someone saves your life?" He asks, looking into her eyes wonderingly. "Investigation and interrogation?" He continues, smiling lightly, his fingers gliding smoothly over the keys.

"I saw you get shot - " Christina starts, as Lucifer interrupts her. "What is the point of you coming here and watching me? Hm? You think that I always act as if I'm the Devil. So you're not going believe anything I say. You, darling, are blind to the truth.

I am the Devil." Lucifer says calmly. "It's not my fault you won't accept it."

"Honestly, I think there's another reason you're stalking me... And I think... It's because... You like me." Lucifer says, dramatically.

What? How did he jump to that conclusion? She's just trying to piece together what happened. It's her job.

"What part of the look on my face gives you that impression?" Christina says, crossing her arms.

"It's not on your face. It's in your eyes. I think you see something that you truly desire, and you... you just don't know what to do with yourself, do you?" He says, a laugh teasing his lips.

What, like that therapist? She didn't know what had been up with her, but if he's going to put her on the same level at that woman she was going to have to take him down a peg.

"Really?" She says, smiling, laughing dreamily. "Mhmhm." Says Lucifer, with a sparkle in his eye. She continues to laugh airily as she walks over to the other side of the piano, and sits down on the bench next to him. She sighs, and looks into his eyes, placing her hands on his chest. "Hmm, that's more like it." He says, his nose in her hair.

She takes his jacket off and puts her hands on his white dress shirt, smiling daintily up at him. "Ooh." Lucifer says a with a light laugh, leaning forward to kiss her rose pink lips.

She pats his chest with her uninjured arm, looking at him with a serious expression, causing him discontinue his efforts. He sighs, and she stands up. "No bulletproof vest." She says, shaking her head. "I couldn't imagine how you'd fit it under your suit anyway..."

"I'm going to figure out your secret." Christina mutters. "It can't be a secret if I'm telling you the answer!" He says, laughing - then looks at her again, with that same fascinated look he'd had on his face in Linda's office. "Why don't I affect you?" He asks, frowning.

Christina was so lost in thought she hadn't even heard his puzzled question. Her iPhone rings just then, and she answers. "Clark." She says, briskly. "Oh. Okay, send it. I'm on my way. Okay, Thank you." She slips her phone into the back pocket of her jeans and starts to walk away from Lucifer, leaving the vibrant nightclub.

"Detective?" He shouts, wondering why she didn't answer his question. "Detective?!" He exclaims again, calling after her.


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