part 3 . lucifer stay, good devil

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Christina pulls up to the scene, dreading what she knew she was about to see

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Christina pulls up to the scene, dreading what she knew she was about to see. A woman lies on the ground face up, her body covered in blood, her limbs splayed out on the concrete at abnormal angles. Her long black hair is fanned around her pale white face, her green eyes open, looking up lifelessly at the starry night sky.

"The victim was being followed by paparazzi. She tried to lose his tail. Instead, she lost her life. Got hit by a car. Died on impact." Says Julian, looking down at the woman staring lifelessly up at them on the street. "And one of the paparazzi following her was...?" Christina asks, already knowing the answer. "Nick Hayes." Julian confirms, shaking his head.

"Who's the victim?" She asks. "Rachel Russell. The daughter of the Ruby Russell." Says Julian. "Her mom is a movie star, and Rachel was a model. They all wanted pictures of her."

"They're horrible..." Christina mutters, remembering. "Have you gotten a statement from Nick?" She asks her ex. He looks at her with a resigned expression on his tan face. 

"Look, Christina. You know you can't be involved in an active case until you're off medical leave. And listen, I know why you wanted to be here. I do. But did you have to bring him?" He asks, pointing behind her.

"You've got to be kidding me." She says, turning around to see Lucifer slipping under the CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS tape, striding towards her with a jaunty smile on his face.

"What are you doing here?" Christina asks angrily, quickly walking up to Lucifer. "Oh, well, hello to you too, darling. How's your ex?" He says brightly. "He's not the reason you rushed over here, is he?" He asks, looking passed her at Julian.

She closes her eyes in disbelief. "Did you follow me here?" She asks, furious. "Yes I did, I'm trying to solve my own mystery, Detective. If I don't affect you, I'm curious as to what does." He says truthfully, as a white man with short brown hair walks passed them in handcuffs, being led to a white and black police car. "Oh, and I think I've just found my answer." Lucifer says, looking from the man to Christina, who is watching him being put into the back of the cop car with a livid expression on her normally composed face.

"Who's that?" He asks. "He's a disgraceful man who thinks getting a photo is more important than people's lives." Christina says angrily. "Oh. Had a little run-in with him during your more salacious days, did you?" Lucifer asks, with a cheeky grin. "Yeah, you could say that. He's a dirtbag. But he'll figure a way out of this. He always does." She says sadly, the bitter memories threatening to rise to the surface.

He sees the pain in her eyes and hears the hurt in her voice, and looks over at the car that the man was just placed into. "Lucifer, what are you doing?" She asks in alarm, as he strides away from her towards the LAPD police car.

He opens the back door and pulls Nick out by the scruff of his neck. "Hello." He says with a snarl. Nick grunts, and lets out a groan as Lucifer throws him onto his feet.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2022 ⏰

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