part 5 . pilot

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Christina drives silently into Beverly Hills as Lucifer sits idle in the back of her car. He laughs suddenly, and Christina looks at him in the mirror. He's tapping furiously, playing some kind of game on his phone.

Christina pulls into the parking lot of a new 10 story medical center. She parks and steps out, opening the back door of the car for Lucifer. She locks the car, and they walk inside. She looks at the buildings directory, and sees that Dr. Linda Martin's office is located on the first floor. Suite 105. "Come on." She says to Lucifer.

He follows her in to a small waiting room. It's simple and classy. Two large white chairs sit in front of a mahogany wood coffee table. There's no TV, only a clock placed high on the wall, ticking softly.

They sit down and Christina looks out the window. "Was your offspring planned or a mistake." Lucifer asks abruptly. "Planned, sort of." Says Christina, looking at him. "Really? I've never understood the human desire to procreate." Says Lucifer. "That's probably a good thing." Christina says, crossing her legs.

"I mean, children are hideous little creatures, terrible, taxing burdens." Says Lucifer. "Uh huh." Says Christina, crossing her arms. Was this his idea of small talk? "Oh, sorry." Says Lucifer, laughing lightly. "Yours is fine. I mean, you know, nothing to be elated about, but nothing to be too embarrassed about, either, so that's quite good, isn't it?"

"Are you at all aware of how horrible you sound?" Christina says, looking at Lucifer. "No." Says Lucifer, continuing. "Speaking of horrible, why was that ex-husband of yours pressuring you to close the case?" He looks at her intently. "No reason." Christina says wearily. She shifts away from him, and turns to look out the window again.

"!?" She's looked into his eyes twice now, and was unaffected. And, she turned away from him. Women don't turn away from him. It's just never happened. Lucifer thinks to himself.

"Strange." Says Lucifer looking at her intently. "Yes, you are." Says Christina. "Did my father send you?" He asks, as a woman opens the door.

"Okay Detectives, I can see you now."

The woman has fair skin, perfectly curled blonde hair, square black glasses, and piercing blue eyes. She's wearing a navy blue blazer, with a white low cut top and navy blue skirt, paired with small nude heels and gold jewelry.

Christina stands up from her chair gracefully and walks into the office. Behind her Lucifer whispers, "Detectives."

The walls of the office are a calm light green. A rectangular, shuttered window, is situated on the left wall of the room, and a glass coffee table sits in the center, with a white ceramic tissue box, a glass jug of water, and a few drink glasses placed upon it.

The back wall of the office is covered with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, filled with books and a few other ornamental objects. The wall to the right has several certificates and degrees hung upon it, in simple modern frames. Christina sits down onto the plush sofa, facing a matching chair that sits in front of a large mahogany wood desk.

"Thank you. Dr. Martin, I'd like to ask you a few questions about a client of yours. Julia Robinson." Says Christina, pen and notebook in hand. "You're thinking about it, aren't you?" Says Lucifer, smiling, as he leans forward and looks flirtatiously at Dr. Martin. "What?" She says, innocently. "Yes, I wouldn't recommend it. I'm like walking heroin. Very habit-forming. It never ends well." Lucifer says matter-of factly, as he leans back on the sofa.

"I'm sorry, do you two know each other?" Christina asks, confused. "No, no, but I know that look." Says Lucifer, nodding at Linda knowingly. "I don't know what you're talking about." Says Dr. Martin, clasping her hands together, looking poised and professional.

"You know that's interesting... because you don't look at me that way." Says Lucifer, turning to Christina. "What way?" She asks, perplexed. "With carnal fascination." Lucifer says seriously.

Christina holds back a laugh and tries not to scoff. "That is because it doesn't exist." She says, turning back to Linda. "No, you see, that's just it, with most women, it does. I tend to appeal to the dark, mischievous hearts in all of you, but you, detective, you seem oddly immune to my charms." Lucifer says, giving her a puzzled look. "Referring to them as 'charms,' I think, is a bit of a stretch. Truth be told, I find you extremely annoying." Christina says, looking at him coldly.

Wasn't he here so they could try and solve Kara's murder? Why the fuck does he keep interrupting her?

"Fascinating." Says Lucifer, leaning forward, looking intensely into her eyes. What a psycho.

"Now," Says Dr. Linda, "You say it's fascinating, yet I can see that it disturbs you, doesn't it? Deeply."

There is a small moment of silence, and Christina capitalizes on it to renew her questioning.

"Dr. Martin, we know that Ka- Juila, was having a affair with a married man, so if you could tell us his name, we'll be on our way.

"I'm sorry, I can't do that." Says Dr. Martin, smiling politely at her. "Linda, darling, why don't you tell me? Hm?" Lucifer asks smoothly.

"Well, I can't." Says Dr. Linda, turning from Christina to Lucifer. "I want to, but I can't!" She says, laughing lightly as he looks into her eyes.

"Oh, you're the devil." She says, giggling. "Correct." Says Lucifer, with a gleam in his eye. "Now, come on, Dr. Martin. I know you want to." He says, smiling alluringly at her."

"No, no! I can't." Says Dr. Linda, smiling bashfully at him.

"What did you do to her?" Christina whispers to Lucifer, alarmed. "Oh, nothing." He says, winking at her. "Right, darling, the answer is yes, we can do the devil's dance. But first, you're going to have to tell us who it was that Julia was seeing."

"Okay... it's, it's Grey Cooper." Dr. Martin says suddenly, raising her hands in defeat, looking longingly at Lucifer. "Grey Cooper? Seriously?" Says Christina.

"Grey Cooper, the actor? The one who's married to Amanda Alford?" Says Lucifer, with shock in his voice. "Yeah." Says Christina, disgusted. "Oh, no, he's horrible. So square jawed, so handsome, so vanilla. So boring." Says Lucifer.

"Thank you, Dr. Martin. We'll be in touch." Says Christina. "All right, we gotta go." She says to Lucifer, who's still sitting on the sofa. "Well, I made a deal, and I'm going have to hold up my end of the bargain. You wouldn't mind waiting outside?" He says, looking up at her. "Are you seriously talking about having sex with her right now?" Christina asks him, appalled. "Well I -" Lucifer starts to say, as Linda says, "I do yoga. Hot. Yoga. I'm very flexible."

"Um, look, darling, I'm so sorry, but I'm going have to take a rain check. I will be back, okay?" Lucifer says to Linda, looking apologetic. "I certainly hope so." Says Dr. Martin, smiling seductively at him. "I am a devil of my word." Says Lucifer, smiling wickedly.


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