part 4 . pilot

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"You," She says, pointing at Lucifer. "You and I need to have a conversation right now."

"I'm not quite sure why I'm being arrested." Says Lucifer, still in cuffs, Christina pulling him by the arm out of the eccentric glass mansion. "Because you're interfering with a police investigation. You've broken I can't even count how many laws, and you piss me off." Christina says angrily.

"Right, I can get out of these, you know." He says. "Funny." Says Christina, opening the back door of her black unmarked police car for him. As soon as she turns back to face Lucifer, he's standing in the same spot, dangling the handcuffs in his right hand, looking towards her expectantly. "How'd you do that?" She asks, taking the now broken handcuffs from him. Lucifer sighs. "Come on! we're wasting time. We should be out there, solving a homicide and punishing those responsible."

"We?" You're insane. I'm taking you in. Get in the car." Christina says, holding the door open for him.

"No! that's boring! Not to mention pointless. Come on, I'll help you. It'll be fun." He says, smiling. "How could you possibly help me?" She asks, crossing her arms. "I have a certain skill set. I can be very persuasive with people, and tend to see things that others cannot." Says Lucifer.

"So what, you're psychic or something?" Christina asks. "No, I'm not psychic. People just like to tell me things." He says. "Just tell you things? Just confess their sins, just like that?" She says, holding back a laugh. "No, not their sins. I have no power over people's sins. I actually get a bad rap for that." Says Lucifer.

"I have the ability to draw out people's desires. The more simple the human, the easier it is. The more complex, the more challenging and exciting, really. But the actual sins, the sins are on you people."

"You people? Oh, I got it, I got it! The name? The whole Lucifer thing? And desire is like, your superpower." Says Christina, finally understanding that's he's not a lunatic, he's just an actor. "It's more like a gift from God."
He says. "So tell me, Detective, what do you desire more than anything else in this life?"

"This is it? This is your big trick?" She asks, not feeling a need to tell Lucifer anything. What a liar. He's obviously just doing this to try and distract her. But why not play along. "I guess, when I was a little girl... I always wanted to be a cop like my daddy, so that one day I could help people... and be taken seriously... like, when I say to shut up and get in the damn car."

"You're not, psychic or something, are you?"
Lucifer asks her, mystified. "Get in the car." She repeats. "No, no, look. I know something you don't know." He says. "Really?" Asks Christina, "What's that?" "Ah, won't say, unless you take me with you on this." Says Lucifer. "Please, come on. I was right about LV, wasn't I?" "Why?" Christina asks. "Why do you care about this so much?"

"I just do. Look, if I hadn't done Kara a favor, she might not hav - ." Lucifer starts to say, then stops himself. Christina sighs. She can see that he obviously cares for Kara. He did know her. He actually might help. "Okay, fine. but if this little clue of yours doesn't pan out, the handcuffs are going back on, and they're gonna stay on." She says. "Is that a promise?" Lucifer asks, smiling wickedly.


"Hey, I need you to look up a therapist. In Beverly Hills." Christina says, into her iPhone. "Her name is Dr. Linda Martin. See if Kara was a client." "Ah, Detective! She used a different name." Says Lucifer, "which I also happen to know. Julia Robinson. I'm quite good at this, aren't I?" "Okay." Christina says. "Kara may have had an alias. Julia Robinson."

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