The American Badass

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"Terry, you can't go on like this man! You need to settle down with a good girl," Matt Hardy said, scolding me like my brothers did.

"Matt, you sound like my brothers. Shut the hell up!" I yelled, causing the whole family to stare at me. I stormed out of the house and out to my bike. I revved the engine and took off, heading anywhere I pleased.

It was getting dark by the time I pulled into the bar. I hadn't had a drink in ages, and I decided it was time to have one. I walked in and got a beer, knowing all too well that Matt and Jeff would come here and find me. I was just standing with my arms resting on the bar top when I heard a soft voice next to me.

"H-hi," the voice softly said, and I smiled.

"Well, hi to you too," I said, turning towards the voice. There stood a beautiful young lady with dark shoulder length brown hair, big grey eyes, softly curved lips, and a small body.

"Um, do you think you could get the bartenders attention for me please?" She asked. I nodded and got her a drink.

"So, what's your name princess?" I asked, leaning in to ask her.

"Alex Moore. You?" She replied.

"Terrance Gerin," I said, smiling at her bright grey eyes. She smiled back and took a drink of her beer.

"Um, Terry?" Matt's voice was behind me, but I was too caught up with Alex.

"What Matt?" I said, starting to get pissed off that he followed me.

"Terry, you need to go home. Your starting to get drunk, please go home," Matt said. I punched him in the mouth and turned back around. Alex was staring at me, her grey eyes wide with fear.

"Alex, I'm sorry. But I had to do it. Matt, he- he tries to help but to no avail. I-" Alex cut me off by placing her hand over my mouth.

"I really don't mind. If you needed to do it, then I'm fine. Just don't ramble. But, um, do you think you could give me a ride home?" Alex asked, uncovering my mouth. "Of course. Come on, I'll get you my jacket," I stammered, not used to taking a girl home.

I pulled into her driveway and accompanied her up to the door. I smiled and stuck my shaking hands in my jean pockets.

"Um, well I guess I'll see you around? Oh and here's your jacket," Alex said, trying to hand me my leather jacket back. I held up one hand and shook my head.

"Keep it. You'll need it in the future probably," I told her, and she smiled.

When I got back home, it was past two in the morning. I threw myself onto the couch and closed my eyes, still thinking about the beautiful Alex Moore.

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