The Debut of Alex Mezanine

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I mentally and physically was relaxed, but my emotions were going crazy. Baron Corbin was debuting and I was debuting Alex Mezanine. Me, Shannon and Baron were going against The demon Kane, Big Show, and Heath Slater. I knew it was only a matter of time before I had to be separated from Rhyno, but I had him come out with us anyways. Baron and Shannon allowed me to go first as I was up against Heath. He tagged Kane in and I easily kicked the big man in the ribs. Kane fell to his knees and I lifted his chin up.

"Glad the demons back," I whispered in his ear, tenderly patting his shoulder. I tagged Baron in and stood by my brother. Its always been me and my brother before now. But with Baron and Rhyno, we've become unstoppable.

Kane was surprised that I came back. Rhyno had his arm around me, his leather jacket around my shoulders.

"So, um, Alex?" Terry asked, turning his head towards me.

"Yeah?" I mumbled, still snuggled up in his big arms.

"I love you," he whispered, and my heart fluttered.

"I love you too big guy," I whispered back, hugging his waist tightly.

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