Um, you ready?

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I was in the room and Alex came sauntering in, only in her sports bra and underwear. I stared and slowly got up. I reached her and held her close, her small ass pressing against my boner. Alex gasped as she turned around, glaring. I laughed and held her close.
"You know, you ain't too good at glaring at me or others," I said, getting a sweet smile from her.
"I guess. But my brother says I'm too shy," she murmured. I laughed and hs her closer.
"Your sure as hell bot shy around me!" I laughed, picking her up. I threw her on the bed, stripped my clothes and hers, and hovered over her.
"I hope your ready baby girl," I whispered, slowly easing myself onto her. Alex nodded and I thrusted into her body.

I woke up and looked next to me. Alex was curled next to me, her head on my shoulder. Her arm was draped across my chest and her other arm was under my right shoulder. Alex was still deep in her sleep as I watched her.
"No...... No don't. Please, not you. Get away from me!!!!!!!!!!!" Alex screamed, sitting straight up. I grabbed her and pulled her to my chest and let her cry.
"Peyton get off!" She screamed, pushing me away. I grabbed Alex's face and she stared at me, blinking several times. Tears streamed down her face as I slowly pressed a tender kiss to her soft lips. I wiped her tears and pulled away. I rubbed my thumb along her lower lip and tenderly kissed her forehead, holding her against me still.
"I thought I was his still. I tried so hard. I really did, Terrance! I tried to get away but he said he owned me," Alex whispered. I shook my head and lowered her on her back. I got on top and slowly entered, my thrusting getting rougher.

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