The Return of Rhyno

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I knew it was a matter of time before Alex found out I had another child.

"TERRANCE!!!!!!!! I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!!" Alex's angry voice screamed. Well, damn, my sons here.

"Alex, listen. It was a bad relationship and his mom bombed me with my little monster you just met. So I would like you to meet my son, James Terrance," I said, picking up my son. Alex relaxed and looked at my one year old son. He looked back, so very curious about everything.

"Can I go to the pawk with Awex?" James asked, clutching onto Alex's shirt.

*Alex's pov*

I was pushing James in a swing when I saw my old friends. Bailey walked right passed. "Bailey!" I called, and she turned around.

"Oh, hi. I'm sorry I didn't notice you. Um, is this your son?" Bailey asked.

"No actually. He's my boyfriend's. James was from his first relationship," I told her.

Bailey, James and I hung out all day. James was asleep on my shoulder as I walked in through the front door. Terrance was waiting for me and tried taking James. I glared at him and took my probably soon to be son up to his room. I had been pregnant but had to have an emergency c-section. I unfortunately lost the baby. Which happened to be a boy named Glenn Thomas. Terry followed and watched as I tenderly laid James in the crib.

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