Doctors and babies

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Terry was in the living room, unaware of what was happening. I walked down and placed the pregnancy teat in Terrys hand. He looked at it and smiled. He pulled me down and buried his face in my neck.
"I'm so glad your pregnant. I always wanted it, even if the others say so," Terrance whispered, nuzzling my ear.
"I, um, also got my um, doctorates degree in band," I whispered, showing Terry the diploma.
"Alex, how did I get so lucky to have you and our baby in my life?" He asked. I shrugged and started laughing.
"Its April Fools day stupid!" I choked, and Terrance tackled me in a frenzy of laughes and tickles. I screamed and tried to get away, but I wasn't strong enough.
"Oh, Alex. I hope your ready again," Terry murmured huskily, easing my shorts off. His erection popped out of his jeans and he slowly eased into me. His thrusting was hard and fast. I hurt because of him going crazy.

Terrance nuzzled into my neck and sighed. I could still feel him inside me, and it hurt. He insisted on curling around me ans keeping his massive erection inside me. Well, I do have to admit, he's amazing in bed. I snuggled into him and Terrys erection buried deeper into me. I sighed, content in his big muscular arms.

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