Oh, baby.......

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I pressed a tender kiss to her sweet lips and slowly held her against me. I slowly moved her onto my lap and held her against my body. Alex's small body was so soft under my big hands, and I longed to feel more. I pressed harder into the kiss and held Alex closer to me. I needed her to be with me and I her. We broke apart and I nuzzled into Alex's neck.

"Whats wrong baby girl?" I mumbled, my voice muffled by her warm skin.

"I'm just scared of being with people. I just don't like being with many, not even dating somebody," Alex whispered, and it broke my heart even more to hear her say all of this. I nodded against her neck and held her small body even closer to mine. I buried my face deeper into Alex's neck and rubbed her shoulders. I then shifted to where she was laying on my chest, her tiny hands on my shoulders.

"Oh, Alex, what am I going to do with my girl?" I murmured, a soft smile playing on my lips. Alex rested her chin in the middle of my chest and smiled.

"Oh, Terrance, what am I going to do with you?" She teased, smiling a smile that lit her big blue grey eyes. I laughed and hugged her closer to me.

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