Playground? (2)

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It's okay! It's just a mild crush, nothing serious, it will probably go away in about- uhm- I don't know!? A week??

Either way, this WON'T change anything.

"I think it's time to head back, Karl want to come with us?" Dream asked glancing back at me.

"Sorry I can't, I've got stuff to do back home" lies. Sapnap tightened his grip on my hand, silently asking me to stay. But I don't want to.

"Oh it's okay, let's walk back the way we came from, Sapnap come on I've got something to tell you"

Sapnap let go of my hand, and I've got to admit, I already miss the warmth.

Dream replaced Sapnaps spot.

"Karl you were right" he immediately stated.
"You need to be more specific Dream, I'm right about everything"

He rolled his eyes at me and playfully hit my arm.
"About George you idiot" 
"Ahh okay"

"I like him more than a friend"
"Oh my god really?"
"Shut up. I need your help"

"Go on"
"..I want to tell him but I.. don't know how"
"Flowers and food at this park, can't go wrong"
"Flowers and food?"
"Yeah, a picnic sort of theme. But obviously hide the flowers until you confess"

"Okay that's actually a decent idea, but what do I say?"
"That's something you need to figure out, not me"
"Karl please, I honestly don't know what I'm doing"

"You can start off by saying that you don't want this to affect anything you already have, and then tell him you like him more than a friend, then explain what you love about him, when you realized, how you realized and where it was, and then reassure him that he doesn't have to feel the same way, and tel him that you just wanted to get it off your chest"

"Ok.. ok" Dream said, clearly in thought.
"Look, tomorrow morning you and I can go get the stuff you need. And you can do it at noon"
"What!? No no I'm not ready"
"You'll never be ready, Dream. If you keep holding this off, there's a chance George will loose interest. You don't have to do it, but it'll be better if you do it soon"
"I'll think about it then"
"Good, because I can tell he likes you"

"Sure Karl, sure"


"Are you sure you don't want to come back with us? It's only one pm right now. What're you gonna do at home on your own?"

This is going to be embarrassing..

"It's alright dream, I upload on YouTube and my channel has been growing. I've gotten calls and emails so I need to check those out and edit a video"

"That's awesome!! I'll leave you to it I guess, but if you ever need company or help I'm just a phone call away"

"Okay.. also, I've been meaning to ask you something Dream.. the night I spent at your house, I fell asleep on the couch and woke up in the guest room.. how?"

"Oh that was sapnap"

"I'm sorry?"

Dream smiled and continued.

"Yeah.. he carried you bridal-style to the room so that your back wouldn't hurt in the morning. Because he obviously couldn't carry George up stairs"

I felt butterflies flutter around my stomach.

"So you carried George?"
"Oh..okay.. simp"
"I'm not a simp!"
"Yes you are"
"No I'm- ugh. Whatever" I could clearly tell he was blushing.

I wish I was able to feel that way about someone.

"There's the car" dream pointed out, we were close.
"I'll pick you up tomorrow att... 12 pm?" He continued.

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