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"What the fuck, Cassidy." Here we go again.. I thought to myself. I can never catch a break. 

Mark gets out of the driver's side and slams the door. Hard. I almost flinch, but the encounter we just had with that Detective had to be the most humbling thing that had happened to Mark. And that pleased me. I was distracted in my own thoughts when Mark yelled at me to help him unload our belongings from the car. 

Well if you're the strong man you claim to be, do it your fucking self. I almost giggled. I was loving my newfound confidence. I was happy that I had something to distract myself mentally. I had some hope for my new start. 

As I get out of the passenger side door, I inhale the cold, crisp, misty air that smelled of grass and dew. I smiled at the freshness of the cold suburban air, glad that I can breathe again. While I missed the sunny, bustling climate of Miami, I won't say that it isn't congested and loud. And very hot. The winter quietness of my new little place was refreshing. 

"You seem to like it here already" Mark says. I didn't ask for his two cents.

"I do love it. It's so fresh and quiet. I'm glad we came." I say. I'd better stay on his good side for now if I actually want to enjoy it here. At least until I'm ready to haul ass away from him. 

"Now that's more like it. See how we have such good times when you're grateful for what I do for us?" He chuckles. He walks away from his side of the car where he's unloading, and approaches me. He puts an arm around my shoulders and kisses my forehead. Don't cringe. Don't cringe. I lean into his shoulder, and smile as we look at our quaint little house. The exterior paint was gray and white, with a rounded exterior window. I couldn't wait to get inside. Hopefully it had more than one bedroom so I can make one of them my space. Somewhere to de-stress and relax. 

While Mark and I were unloading the rest of our things, we saw a run-down RV slowly drive past us. I looked through the driver's side, which had tinted windows and was only cracked a smidge. Hm. With all of these nice houses, who would be driving that kind of RV? The window suddenly rolled down some more, and I got a glance of a kid with messy long hair, and outdated 70s glasses. How weird. I thought to myself. 

"What's an RV like that doing in a neighborhood like this?" I say. 

"I don't know, but it gives me the fuckin creeps. Hopefully he's just drivin' past. We don't need no creeps around here doin' some shady shit." Mark replies. 

"Yeah." Like he'd actually protect me if something happened. I want to chuckle, but I hold it. "Let's just get inside" I sigh. 


Unpacking is always an unwanted chore that I hate. I sat on the patio steps, getting as much of that crisp November air that I fell in love with just a few hours ago. The sun was setting, and I wanted to watch it set while sitting on my new, but temporary patio.

I didn't have much, but we planned on shopping for stuff anyway later on in the week. There wasn't much space to fit a lot of things in our Miami apartment, so we didn't bring much. Plus, Mark was too cheap to rent a movers van, and we only had a rinky dink pick up truck to hold us over.

I had lined up an office job before I got here, but wasn't starting until two weeks after today. I had some time to kill while Mark went to work at some office downtown in the bustling part of Conyers. 

"Babe, I start working at that new place downtown tomorrow. You gonna be alright alone here?" Speak of the devil, and he appears

"Yeah, I'll be alright. I'll just do some cleaning and setting up the house." I say nonchalantly. 

"Good girl, that's what I like to hear." 

Yeah, whatever, Mark. As if I do everything for him, and only him. I only want peace, tranquility, and my old self back. I couldn't wait for him to go to work, and leave me be. Back in Miami, he barely worked, and baited his parents into giving us money for a house. Mark's parents were filthy rich and provided him with what he needed, but wanted nothing to do with me or their freeloading son. If only they knew. I wasn't the bad guy here.

"Anna!" "Joy!" We heard distant yelling from a street ahead of us. It was a boy and the lady from the family from before, only missing the blonde little girl, and the tall, lumberjack man that was with them.

"I guess their little girl ran off to play somewhere. I hope she's alright. It's getting pretty cold for her to be outside" I say. 

"Whatever, not our problem" What an ass. It was a cold night, and they're calling out for their child. How dense can you be, Mark?  "You comin', or are you gonna sit here all night like a loner. You'll get sick or somethin' and then I'll have to care of you. Come on." He knees me in the shoulder, and that did it for my peaceful sunset watching. 


I walk into the house, reeking of paint and the faint smell of our old Miami apartment floating off of our belongings. 

"I'm goin' to bed. I'll shower before work tomorrow. You comin?" 

"Yeah, I'll be up soon, I'll just sit here on the couch for a while." The house came with a couch from the previous owner, but it was corduroy, my favorite material. The couch looked relatively unused and didn't smell like anything really. Just fabric. 

"I thought you hated that material, Cass. Don't worry, we'll get a new couch soon. Just give your man some time to work for it." 

Was that his attempt at a gesture? What a man. Couldn't even remember that this material is my favorite.

I sigh, and lie my head on the couch's armrest. "I guess so, but I'll be good for now. See you soon." He approaches me and kisses my forehead. 

"Night, Cass"

Hopefully he falls asleep before I manage to get up there.  

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