Thirteen (18+)

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A/N: I hope you submissive bbies LUV this chapter! 5K words of pure sluttiness. I loved writing it! As always, votes, comments and feedback are all greatly appreciated! <3

Enjoy it lovelies :3


It had been approximately five days since I got to David's house. My days were spent watching TV, cleaning whatever surface I could find and cooking until I couldn't stand anymore. I couldn't deal with the deafening silence, the monotonous loneliness of watching the rain and clouds plague this tiny town. I needed to keep myself busy until David got home and made me busy.

David had made it very clear that he wanted me to stay as long as I needed to. He loved my cooking, coming home to a clean house and to me. There was no word from Mark's father or any kind of legal team representing him, but I was sure that it would come eventually. For the time being, I needed to take a break from hating myself, hating my life. Letting him control it even when he wasn't there. And David had done a very good job of helping me forget. Helping me heal.

I missed him while he was at work. Taking care of this case, trying to find those missing girls. This case had taken up most of his time, requiring him to be out of the house in the early hours of the morning, and back home deep into the night. I was in no position to complain, considering I had his house to myself. I was cleaning, cooking, and making sure David was taken care of when he had the time to be. I didn't have a man breathing down my neck all day, ready to strike at me the moment I did something wrong. But I wouldn't mind David breathing down my neck all day.

I had developed a nasty habit of texting David when he was at work, hungry for his touch, a crumb of his attention. It was a habit that needed to be broken, because David's work wasn't just any work. It was work that many peoples lives depended on. Including those two little girls and her poor parents. While there was a period in the case when nothing was really happening besides one of the girls fathers being investigated, I still felt bad for distracting him. David had recently been through something traumatic, one of his suspects shot himself right in front of him and a few other officers inside the interrogation room. It stressed him and was the cause for many sleepless nights, but he was able to recover and forget about it by the time I could ask if he was alright. I guess he was used to coping with traumatic situations. There weren't many chances that we had to know one another, but we knew when the case was over that we would have more than enough time to see the ins and outs of each other.

David had gotten sick of me taunting him during work. I would send him texts describing the disgustingly hot things I would do to him, and pictures that guaranteed his attention. He began to despise it. The duality of wanting to come home and shove his cock so far up my pussy that it would come out of my mouth, and wanting to finish his work and uphold his spotless reputation in the office. He was a dominant man, and expected me to listen like the good little slut that I was for him. He hated how I questioned his authority. He had sat me down and explained how my habit of texting him every time I missed him was distracting and caused him to make mistakes at work. Then he fucked me stupid until I told him that I understood, and that I would listen to his little rule. Before he left that day, he grabbed me by the chin with one tattooed hand, caressed my pussy with the other while his stubbled lips hovered over mine.

"I don't want any funny business out of you today, you brat. Do you remember what I said about texting me while I'm at work? Or should I give you a refresher?" He said, his voice gravelly in my ear, his hot breath sending a wave of electricity to my core. My breath hitched, and I moved my hips up against his hand for more friction. He tightened his grip on my chin, firmly slapping my pussy through my panties. "Use your words, baby".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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