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I get woken up by a loud knock from the front door. Sitting up groggily, I realize I was still on the couch. Oh shit, I'm gonna feel this in my back later. 

"Coming!" I yell out. I rub the sleep from my eyes and check myself in the mirror by the front door to make sure I'm somewhat presentable. Bare faced, except from the leftover mascara from the day before. I noticed a bruise forming on my cheekbone from where Mark had hit me yesterday, disdain welling in my throat. Fuck.

I open the door slightly, poking my head out. 

"Oh! It's you." I say to the man before me. It was the Detective from the day before? What was he doing at my house? A small smirk formed on the corner of his lips. Damn is he beautiful. He looked my face up and down, his gaze stopping on my cheekbone. The smirk faded slowly from his face, turning into a thin frown.

I quickly look away from his face, avoiding eye contact. Not that I wanted to, his eyes made me feel as if I was a lone piece of seaweed floating around the salty Atlantic ocean. I turn my gaze to the ground and clear my throat.

"Detective Loki" He says. He puts out a muscular, veined hand. I take his hand in mine, noticing how much bigger it was compared to mines. It was warm despite the cold weather. I wanted to crawl inside of it and hide from the world. The extended amount of time I held on was definitely noticeable. I felt heat rising up to my face as I kept my gaze to the floor and gently let go of his hand. He hesitated for a split second, but let go of my hand with a gentleness that seemed as if it could only come from him.

"Yes, I remember you!" The awkwardness was palpable. "What are you doing here?" I say with a small smile.

"Sorry If I...woke you." He says flatly, evading the question and averting his gaze. I noticed him blinking a few times, much like a facial tic. I smile. That's cute. He gets more and more interesting every time I see him.

"Oh it's no worries, I needed to get up anyway." I say with a chuckle. Detective Loki rubbed his hands together and blew a shaky cloud of vapor from his mouth. It was a cloudy, rainy day and I was curious as to why this gorgeous man was at my door on such a cold time of the day.

"Would you like to come in? It's cold, I'm sure you could use a coffee or some tea." I say, opening the door a bit wider. 

Detective Loki waves his hand and shakes his head, looking at the ground. 

"I wouldn't want to impose, I..." 

"No no, I insist. Come in, Detective." I step out of the way and leave room for Detective Loki to enter. He nods and steps onto my doormat, stomping off the water from the rain off of his boots. 

"Thanks. It really is cold this time of day huh." He says with a small smile. 

"Haha yeah." I say, still not knowing what time it was. "What're you having? Coffee? Tea? Are you hungry?" I was sort of overdoing it, and I knew it. I turned my back to walk to the kitchen and mentally scolded myself. "Have a seat, if you want" I say, mentioning to the couch.

"That's sweet of you, I've eaten already. But thanks. I'll have a coffee if it's not too much trouble, sweetheart." I almost stopped in my tracks hearing him call me sweetheart, feeling heat spread to my ears. It had been so long since someone spoke to me so gently, especially a man.

"You got it! How do you take it? Black, I'm assuming. You detectives are caffeine immune huh" I say with a toothy smile. Were my gums showing? Was I being way too friendly? Questions raced through my head as I scooped some ground coffee into the coffee maker. 

"You're totally right, you know." He says with a quiet chuckle. 

"You got it. So what can I do for you Detective? I'm sure you didn't come here for coffee" I glanced at him and smiled. He was looking at me intensely, his eyes blinking. As if he were inspecting every inch of my frame. Oh great. As if I haven't embarrassed myself enough. I'll probably drop something with him staring at me like that. I feel my hands getting clammy and sweaty, so I quickly put the water inside of the coffee maker and press the Brew button. I turn to him, slipping my sweaty hands into my pockets as I hear the water dripping into the coffee pot.

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