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Author's Note <3 Hello everyone! Thank you to everyone who is giving my story a read  and a vote :) I hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday season, and if you don't celebrate: have an amazing last week of the year, and get ready for 2023! 2022 was a ride, so I hope we can all relax and cozy up this winter with some good books and Wattpads! Happy holidays to you all <3 Enjoy the chapter!


"Right here on your right, David." I say gently, not trying to sound too bossy. 

"I know. I've been here before." He says with a smirk.

I scoff sarcastically, but in a friendly manner. I didn't think he'd actually remember. Was I that important to him or did he just have a good memory? I cringed at the thought of actually asking him, only to be shot down or rejected. I gave David a slight chuckle and helped him carry some of the bags inside.

Walking into my warm house, I wanted to relax, take my shoes off and lounge lazily until Mark came home. But I needed to play my part in this case. I wanted so badly to help those girls get found. 

Mark sat next to me in the dining room the night prior while eating dinner, and was questioning his decision on moving here. He told me that if two little girls were kidnapped on our first week in town, he didn't want to stick around to find out what else could happen in a year's time. My heart sank thinking about leaving Conyers, starting new somewhere else with no friends and nothing to look forward to. Here, I had a job lined up. I had Detective Loki, as small of a part he may play in my life. I still looked forward to seeing him whenever I did, even considering the circumstances. I enjoyed the rainy-ness, the crispy clean winter air, and sense of neighborhood that Conyers had to offer. His statements made me angry, considering how he just ripped me away from my life in Miami, and called it 'saving' me. And how wanted to rip me away from Conyers too. I was tired of his ripping. All he did was rip and take. And rip and take some more. And I was at my breaking point. 

"Cassidy. Are you alright?" David's voice shattered the cloud of thoughts that had come over my head. Approaching me with a concerned look, he gently places my grocery bags on the counter, never taking an eye off of me. "You seem...occupied. Mentally." He notions to his head, then placed his hands back on his hips. 

"I'm alright, David. Just a bit tired, that's all. Moving somewhere new can be tiring. And this case has my mind running all over the place. I really hope those girls are one piece, you know." I say with a sad smile and nod. As much as I tried to hide my pain, I knew Detective Loki could see right through me. His blue eyes scanning all over me slowly, my sock-covered feet, my jeaned legs, my thighs, my curves, until eventually his gaze landed on my lips. I gulped audibly, clearing my throat and grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. Fuck. FUCK. Why is he so goddamn forward?! I'd give my entire life for this man to take me on the kitchen floor right now. To pleasure me so good that I feel nothing. I feel heat rise up to my face. He had a way to him where he was forward, without being forward. It confused me, but it made me more curious about him none the less. 

I had hung a picture of Mark and I up on the fridge with a magnet. It was a small photo booth picture strip that we had taken on one of our first dates. Looking at it as I close the fridge, I'm met with a hot breath on the back of my neck. I freeze in place, taking a quick glance at the towering man behind me. Once I confirm that he's standing literally right behind me, I snap my gaze back to the fridge, distracting myself. 

"You need to tell me something, Cassidy." I liked it when David said my full name. I felt as if i were being bossed around, and I liked it coming from him. And he was right. I did need to tell him something. I needed to tell him everything. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. I couldn't bring myself to turn my already-so-complicated life upside down even more. I knew he would ask me about Mark, so I braced myself.

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