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A/N: Thank you so much for 200+ reads! Sorry for the wait on this chapter </3 I have been swamped with work this past week, but I'm back and ready to update!  Enjoy it <3 


As the waitress sat us down, David and I looked at each other. We beamed smiles across the table, our untold secret practically palpable. 

"You eat here how many times a week?!" I laugh, not believing what he just said. I loved cooking and making dinners. Chinese food was basically foreign to me, being that I've been obsessed with cooking since I was a child.

"Yup. Three times a week. I don't cook, and sometimes I crave a little more than TV dinners and coffee." David chuckles. I giggled, but quietly wished I could cook a warm, homemade dinner every night for him. He was a hard-working man who deserved it, and I wanted nothing more than to show him how grateful I was for his presence in my life. I stared at him, eyes scanning his stubbled face. God, he was perfect. His piercing blue eyes, soft lips and perfectly groomed hair. 

"Don't stare at me like that. You're making me blush." He says firmly, a subtle pink tint appearing on his cheeks. A hint of his dominance was peeking out in his tone, and a pang of curiosity hit me in the pit of my stomach.

The waitress walked back over to us, dropping glasses of waters on our table, pen and notepad in hand. 

"Hey there Detective, what're you having today? The usual?" She says, leaning her hip on the table.

"Yep, the usual. General Tso's chicken please, and a side of extra fried rice." He says with a head nod.

"And you miss?" The waitress says. 

"The same for me please, no extra rice." I smile up at her, and my gaze was met with a flat expression on her face. I look back down at the table, embarrassed. Was she scowling at me? What the hell is that for? I thought to myself. 

"You've been busy lately, Detective. Haven't seen you around in quite a while." She says flirtatiously, taking our menus. 

"Lots to be done, you know how it is." He replies flatly.

David averts his gaze to the me, subliminally signaling to her to be on her way. She scoffs so quietly that only a mouse can hear, and I stare at David, jaw agape. 

"Did she just -" I scoff. "Is she jealous?" I lean over and whisper

"I'm a very desirable man, Cass. You're lucky to have me you know." He shrugs sarcastically, taking a sip of his water. 

I let out a laugh at his sarcasm, knowing that there was truth behind his statement. I stared into his twinkling eyes. Eyes that twinkled more than they seemed to when we first met. I was enjoying myself, getting to know David on a level that I thought was impossible for anyone, really. When we met, he seemed cold, reserved. A man on his way to do his job, not worried about a thing in the world besides his work. He seemed as if he gave what he needed to in the world, the bare minimum. Nothing more, and nothing less. It was wild to me that I could potentially be the reason to bringing out this side of him. Mark made me feel like a last priority. Someone he didn't need, but someone he chose to have in his life. I felt so unimportant in his everyday, like he could cut me loose any day without a second to spare. It was a scary feeling. Constantly on edge, feeling as if I were going to be abandoned any second now. 

With David, I didn't feel that way at all. I felt that he opened up to me in a way that he hadn't with anyone else. I knew I could get ahead of myself sometimes, feeling too good about someone only for them to not feel the same way. But everything about David felt right. It felt genuine. I wanted to know him more. To know his past, know his secrets. I wanted so bad to take him up on his offer to live with him until I found a place of my own. But I needed time. 

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