Twelve (18+)

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A/N: Here's a much much longer one (5K+ words) to make up for the time gone! :3 I've got something reaaaalllyyy smutty cooking up for you submissive girlies for the next chapter! Let me know how you all like Loki's POV <3

Also, how do you like the new cover? ;)

Enjoy it lovies <3

"What the hell do you want, motherfucker." I spat. My voice was trembling, but the adrenaline overpowered the fear in my blood.

"Woah there, I'm just here to check on you, see how you're doing after...well, you know." He says, a smug, shit eating smirk written across his face. I wanted to punch him square in the nose, a craving for blood suddenly overcoming me. He smugly looks down on me, our heights at a significant difference. Him looking down on me only caused more frustration to bubble up and course through my veins.

"Get the hell out. Nurse!" I yell, scrambling to find the nurse remote. I feel him approaching me so I stand up, looking up at his scowl.

"You can make this easy, or complicated, Cass. Either way, you need to calm the hell down!" He raising his voice and grabbing me by my jaw.

I wince at his aggressive touch. I look down at his hairy hand grasping my face. His grip was so strong on my jaw that I couldn't muster a noise, let alone open my mouth to tell him to fuck off. I whimper under him, disappointed in myself for letting the feeling of fear creep up on me. But he was squeezing my jaw hard. Really hard. To the point where I though something would crack, or a tooth would loosen up. I feel tears well up in my eyes as he looks at me with pure hatred.

"My son is in fucking jail because of you. And yet here you are, under the impression that all is forgiven just because you think the detective you're fucking will protect you?" A laugh bellows a little too close to my face, spittle landing on my skin. "You've got another thing coming, you fucking slut. My son never touched you. For all I know you beat the shit out of yourself for sympathy points. You're a pathetic excuse for a woman." He spat.

I feel tears well in my eyes at his words. I felt as if my heart was too heavy for my chest, beating so hard as if it wanted to break out of its bony prison. He lets go of my jaw roughly, throwing my head to the side as he scoffs down at me. "You will not press charges, or you've got something a lot worse than a beating coming to you, Cassidy." He begins to walk out of the room.

As he opens the door to the hospital room, I yell out, "Like father, like son you fucking bastard!". My voice comes out a little more trembly than I'd like it to be, but at least I got it out. Marks father pauses, looks back at me and chuckles to himself as he closes the door behind him. Once I hear his footsteps fade away, I crawl around, scrambling to look for my phone. I needed to call David. I needed to get out of this fucking hospital. I wasn't safe here. I knew he was at work, and I hated being a burden to him. But I needed to get out. Now. Or else I would never stop running from Mark and his sadistic father. I found my phone, dialing David's number and putting it on speaker. As the dial tone rings throughout the room, I nervously pace around, biting my nails and looking for my clothes that I came in with. I find them and start ripping off the hospital gown. Suddenly the line clicks, and David's rough deep voice rings throughout the room.

"Cass, are you okay?" He asks, instantly wondering if I was alright. It was unusual for me to call him, let alone at while he was at work. Had I not been so shaken up, it would've melted my heart. But I needed out. ASAP.

"M-Marks father. He came for me. He-"

"Stay where you are, baby. Lock the room door. I'll be right over." He says frantically. I hear the sounds of papers shuffling and things being moved around in a panic and before I know it, the sound of a car door slamming rings through the phone speaker.

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