Ten (18+)

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A/N: Woaaah! Thank you for 500+ reads! I hope you all are enjoying this story as much as I'm enjoying writing it! So sorry for the late update! I had the stomach flu this week :( Enjoy the chapter! 


I'm awoken from my sleep when the nurse walks into my room with my pain medications in hand. She was wearing pink scrubs and baby blue clogs on her feet. I liked her style. It was cute and vibrant in a painful place like this. I look at the clock on the wall. 5:34PM it read. I wondered if David came to see me like he promised. He most likely did, but I was asleep. 

"Hey sweetie, how are you feeling?" She asks in a sweet, quiet tone. She places my medications  on the bedside table along with a paper cup and a kettle of water. "My name is Amanda, and I'll be looking after you during your stay, okay?" I look up at her and smile. She had her blonde hair up in a bun, and it bounced cutely with every move she made. 

"Hi Amanda, I'm doing alright, and you?" I reply, attempting to sit up. I visibly struggle and Amanda approaches me carefully to help me sit up.

"Hey hey, don't try and sit up too fast. You might get hurt okay honey?" She helps me sit up by placing her hands under my arms. "And I'm doing alright, can't complain." She says with a chuckle.

I return the favor with a slight giggle. She turns the television, landing on the news channel. She turns the volume up. There was a sketch of a man's face displayed on the screen. The reporter was standing in front of the Birch's house, a visible chill in the air. 

"Police are asking for any information to be called in to the number displayed on the screen. This man was reportedly at the vigil last night held for the two missing girls, Anna Dover and Joy Birch. After the lead detective on the case, Detective Loki spotted him, the mysterious man took off and ran away. He is now a person of interest that the police are investigating. We have no word on whether or not he is armed, so please be vigilant, and call the number on the screen if you see anything suspicious. Robert, back to you in the studio." 

"I don't know what that man is up to where he feels so threatened by police. Do you think he has something to do with it?" Amanda asks. 

I take a pause before speaking. "If he felt the need to run, maybe so. I'm sure The detective will find out soon enough." I say, a hint of knowing in my voice. She chuckles in response. 

She pours water in the paper cup next to my bed and hands me a tiny cup with pills inside. 

"Go ahead and drink up, sweetie. Once these kick in you should be able to get up and move around a bit." She says sweetly. 

I take the pills from her and swallow them. "Thanks a lot. I'm pretty messed up, so I hope these can get me up and moving." I reply with a breathy chuckle. 

Amanda looks at me with a grim look on her face, and grabs my hands. "I am so sorry he did this to you. When I heard, it reminded me a lot of my past relationships. I would let these low life men step all over me and tell me what to do and all. You're so much better, stronger than he is. Always remember that." She tears up while speaking. 

"Thank you, Amanda." I reply. 

She nods her head as she starts to clean up my bedside table. I hear a knock at the door, and a familiar voice warms my ears. 


David walks in, a bouquet of flowers in his hands. My god, he got me flowers? He's so thoughtful, I could almost cry. He was wearing the same clothes as earlier, signaling to me that he hadn't gone home to change or sleep. I smile at him, and Amanda looks at me and winks. 

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