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"Quite down class let's introduce our new student" ms.Cambridge announced the class quite down and looked at the front the teacher motioned for the new student to talk
"Uh I'm Grayson I just moved here from New Jersey" Grayson said with a small smile
"Your hot" someone said out loud everyone laughed so did Grayson
"Ms.o'Brian keep your comments to yourself " the teacher said
"Sorry" the girl said
"Please take a seat anywhere you'd like mister dolan " the teacher said Grayson nods while winking at the girl who called him hot she giggled
"Don't get to excited he might be a psycho " her friend said
"Luna I don't care ,he's hot I need him to-"
"Shhhh"luna  giggled

-End of class

"Mr.Dolan " the teacher said while everyone was walking out
"I was told that your brother was also supposed to transfer with you where is he may I ask"
"There still evaluating him checking if he's...safe"
"I understand but he needs to come soon"
"He's still in jersey with my dad but he is going to be here next week" Grayson said
"I hope to see him then" gray smiled and nods
"So do I" gray said under his breath while walking away

What he didn't know was Luna was standing outside listening to everything

Lunas pov
Evaluating ? Safe?

"Let's go we are going to be late" Kayla said

-next week (Sunday)

"It's ok mom"
"What if-"
"They ran all the tests he's fine" gray said his mother sighed r

Then the door opened in walked in Ethan and his dad Grayson smiled and went up to him

"Your back" Grayson said happily hugging Ethan , Ethan looks at him giving him a blank stare
"You okay bro" gray said
"Yes...it's nice to see you to gray" he said giving him the slightest smile then his mom hugged him tightly
"I missed you my beautiful boy" she said crying of joy
"I...I missed you to mom" he said pulling away
"Can i go to my room" Ethan asked
"Let's go dude " gray said running upstairs Ethan followed him

"Thank you" Ethan said Grayson laughed punching his arm Ethan clenched his jaw
"Are you sure your okay you seem different "
"It's been 3 years gray...do you mind leaving I want to be alone" gray was confused
"Um sure my rooms across from yours if you need something " Ethan nods

Ethan sits on his couch with his head in his hands

"I'm better....I'm better " he repeated to himself

-morning (4am)

Grayson got woken up by thumping from downstairs he looked at the time

"Wtf" he groaned and went down to check it out he went to the gym where he heard the noise coming from and he found Ethan working out , he was dripping in sweat he noticed and stopped
"Sorry did I wake you up"
"What- wha-wha what the fuck are you doing" Grayson said Ethan slightly chuckled
"Working out"
"At 4am" he shrugged
"This is the time they'd always wake us up...I guess I got used to it" Ethan said
"How was it like"Grayson asked Ethan stayed quiet
"E sorry I don't mean to-"
"No it's ok...it was difficult first year was hard having all these rules being in a place I didn't want to be and having all this built up anger towards everyone including you guys"
"Is that why you would deny seeing us "Ethan stopped punching the punching bag and looked at him
"Is that what they told you "
"Mom and dad said they tried seeing you I even tried once but they caught me said there was no use you kept denying them " ethan clenched his jaw
"Right" he said and kept punching the bag
"We missed you e why didn't you let us see you"
" because I knew what I did was wrong I didn't mean to hurt anyone gray but I did I lost control I can't control myself when I'm angry I just wanted it to stop"
"I know that-"
"Do you Grayson...I saw the fear in your face, and mom and dad were...."
"But you are back your not like that anymore "
"...I'm trying to convince myself of that to...you don't have to say it I see it in moms face she doesn't trust me"
"She's just worried "
"Yeah..." he said sadly


"Mr. Dolan is this the other mr.Dolan " the teacher smiled Grayson did to
"This is Ethan "
"Twins I see" Ethan nods
"Nice to meet you please have a seat class is about to start"


"Twins!" Kayla said Luna looked at them
"He seems different " Luna whispered
"Who cares there both hot, I want one preferably Grayson but I mean Ethan is just as hot look omg his muscles are just-"
"Yup news spreads fast here remember and jack is buddy buddy with gray who introduced him to Ethan and since Jack is my brother he told me" Luna nods slowly

Ethan felt eyes on him and turned his head and landed on Luna she slightly smiled he looked at her then faced the board again

Luna pov

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