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"Let's go to your therapy session "
"Yes mother " Ethan sighed getting up
"Wait mom can't Ethan skip today the boys want to hang"
"Well you guys can hang without Ethan
"No buts your brother is...he needs this for his own good and ours " there dad said
"He need to be normal mom he's 18" gray whispered
"An 18 year old that has gone through a lot You Grayson know that will never be normal he has a shadow that'll always be around him"
"Dad" Ethan walked up to them
"Can we leave now ima be late for my session" Ethan said with his jaw clenched


"How do you feel Ethan "
"Tired" he said while laying on the sofa
"Explain "
"I'm tired of this all of this my parents look at me with fear worry like I'm going to fuck up again I've been locked up for 3 years the worst 3 years of my life but I've changed
"We know that Ethan
"Do you though I'll never be able to gain there trust back I'll always have that stupid mark on me that'll remind me of my mistake " Ethan said looking down


"We missed you yesterday bro"jack said
"You missed a good game" heyes said
"Yeah sorry" ethan said zoned out then the bell ringed Ethan flinched
"Relax dude It's just the bell" jack said laughing they got up and left
"You good"Grayson asked Ethan nods
"Let's go to class" he said getting up

"It's the fucking skate park ma what the fuck he gonna do their run someone over with a skateboard how scary "
"What he's a kid you want him to feel like a prisoner in his own house "
"He hasn't gone out he's not used to so much people "
"Oh fuck out of here there's people at school nothing has happened there considering the amount of jackass that go there" gray said
"Watch your mouth Grayson before you get yourself grounded "
"He needs to go out" gray argued then Ethan came down and the room went silent
"Sweetie how you feeling "his mom said going up to him Ethan just stars at them walking by them
"E wait come out the boys and I are going to the skate park you love skateboarding come on it'll be fun" gray said
"Grayson " his dad warned
"You go out have fun gray..."
"Go gray" Ethan said then walked out of the room going to the gym room


"Nothing this man is a ghost " Kayla said falling back into the bed
"Stop stalking them" Luna said laughing
" but it's interesting I don't get it. I found everything about Grayson nothing about it Ethan he's like non existent "

Luna zoned out

"Earth to Luna de lion!"kayla yelled Luna looked at her
"Yes, sorry I zoned out"
"What were you thinking about"
"Nothing " Luna said


"Why aren't you sitting with Ethan "
"Cuz we have a test and I have no idea what we learned" heyes said smiling Luna giggled shaking her head
"Fine I'll help you"
"That's why I love you little sis"
"I'm not your lil sis"
"I've known you since we were 4 my little sis" he said she smiled
"What about Ethan " heyes shrugged
"I don't know I mean he pays attention but I trust you more with the answers plus he scares me so I don't want to ask him for the answers"
"He scared you"
"Luna look at the man he's jacked so is gray they finna crush anyone with there bare fists "
"I guess" Luna said looking at Ethan ...

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