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"Ethan your falling behind you failed your test"
"I know but I can catch up"
"I've decided to asign you a study buddy she'll help you catch up as recommended by your parents and your former teachers" his teacher Ethan huffed but nods
"Luna perfect please help Ethan out sweetie "
"Yes principal jones" Luna said

The principal walked away

"Um well I'm Luna your Ethan right" she smiled he nods
"I can help you either durning lunch or after school which ever works for you I don't mind"
"After school " he said she nods
"Ok works for me can I have ur number or something so I know where to meet you"
"Ask Grayson " Ethan said then walked away Luna was confused


"Hey Grayson right" Luna went up to him while he was talking to heyes and jack
"Sup Luna " heyes said
"If your gonna act like my sister I'm going to murder the both of you" jack said Luna pouted
"I'm not I'm here to ask about your brother "Luna said
"Same shit out Luna " jack said picking her up
"No wait jack put me down" Luna said pushing him
"What about Ethan" Grayson asked jack stopped
"You for real "
"Principal jones wanted me to help him out with his class I asked for his number so we could talk about where we would meet after school but he just told me to ask you "
"Right right just come with me he left early" gray said
Luna nods and follows him


"Ethan!"grayson yelled Ethan came down with no shirt just joggers he stopped mid way just staring at her then at gray then back at her
"H-hi" Luna smiled he just nods going to the living room
"I'll be upstairs if you guys need anything and I mean anything " Grayson said she was confused but nodded she went to the living room where he was with all his books and stuff she smiled


"It's getting late I have to go home but I'll see you tomorrow "
"Okay thank you" Ethan said Luna smiled
"No problem Ethan " she smiled looking into his eyes he stared at her then got up
"Wait Ethan-"he said grabbing his hand he pulled back
"Oh sorry " she said awkwardly he clenched his jaw
"Are you guys done" gray said walking in Ethan nods
"Um yeah I'll see you again tomorrow "
"Friday actually " gray said
"He can't be tutored everyday I talked to ms Cambridge she said it was fine for you to tutor or whatever just 2 times a week"
"Oh ok Um well bye guys "
"You need a ride"
"Thanks but I already called my dad he's outside thanks tho see you guys later " Luna smiled then walked out Ethan sighed grabbing his things
"That wasn't bad" Grayson said
"Mhm" Ethan said then went up to his room

-month later


Ethan shot up breathing heavily

Ethan's POV
That stupid dream

He couldn't go back to sleep he decided to go down and work out


"I know I just trouble understanding some of the lessons "
"Maybe more tutoring"the principal suggested
"He can't he has mandatory meetings3 times a week he can't-"gray was cut off
"Well then mr Dolan you need to pay more attention in your classes or you'll fail"
"I have been paying attention"
"The effort you show tells me other wise
"Im trying
"Then try harder"she said looking at him Ethan clenched his jaw bawling his fist he began to tap his foot gray noticed
"Can we go" she nods Ethan got up quickly walking out gray followed quickly behind him
"E ....Ethan where are you going " Ethan stopped
"I'm fine just give me sec I'll be in class in a bit"

Ethan walked into the bathroom breathing heavily looking down at his hands that were bruised and bleeding from him digging his nails into his palms he sighed

"don't mess up now"...

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