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"grayson wait" luna said trying to catch up to him grayson turned around

"whats up"

"i know you probaly odnt care but um has ethan told you anything about us"


"just tell me please i love him and he hasnt answered any of my texts or calls im just worried"

"look luna you've become like a little sister to me i care about you but ethan...he's not okay right now,he not sure of what he wants , once something gets to hard or complicated for him he pushes everything and anyone away"

"so...so he doesn't want anything with me anymore"

"ethan is a good person but he's gone through a lot and even though he hasn't said it he loves you luna ,he cares about you"

"i wish he was the one saying that" luna said looking down

"dont get more attached thats all i can tell you stop looking for my brother , he's just gonna end up hurting you"grayson said then walked away living luna in the hall alone with her thoughts


"I'm here!" Ethan yelled out in the empty Where house he was was set up to meet up with the mystery person

"Come out already!" Ethan yelled getting impatient

"Still got a temper don't you Dolan " Ethan turned clenching his jaw face to face with Derek

"How are you ethan..you know with the whole three years in jail thing"

"Just tell me what you want" Derek chuckled

"That's what I liked about you dolan you always want to get to the point"

"Just get the the point so I can leave"

"Not how it works old friend...you killed Jaden "

"He killed my sister! He murdered a 10 year old!"

"And who's fault is that" Derek said Ethan bawled his fists shaking his head about to walk out until his goons came out blocking his way Ethan looked at them with cold eyes

"You can't leave" he said Ethan turned his head to the side

"Try to stop me"he kept walking the goons tried attacking him pulling out guns but Ethan grabbed them pushing them to the ground trying his best to fight them off

Ethan beat them to the ground one pointed a gun at him Ethan looked at him tilting his head then grabbed his arm twisting it grabbing the gun and throwing him against the wall everyone was on the ground Ethan looked up seeing Derek he smirked and clapped

"I could use you dolan good bussnise "

"I'm leaving"

"I owe me dolan-"

"I don't owe you anything just leave me alone"

"Ethan" Ethan looked toward the door seeing a girl

"Lizzy " Ethan said to himself in disbelief

"Join us again" she said walking up to him Ethan shook his head looking down the girl walked in front of him turning his head so he could look at her

"I've missed you"she said

"Jaden killed my sister "

"I didn't know you know I wasn't part of you guys-"

"Then why are you with him"

"I had no choice" she said looking down then looked back up at him

"Come with us"

"No "

"Ethan "

"I said no do what you want I don't care anymore but I'm done with your dirty work I'm not going back"

"I'll give you a day to think it over dolan and you might want to a story starts to repeat itself" Ethan clenched his jaw walking out throwing the gun outside


There was a party tonight Ethan and Grayson met up with heyes and jack

"Yo Ethan are you okay dude" Ethan just nods getting up

"What's up with him" Grayson shrugs looking at Ethan chugging down a bottle

"Hey guys " Kayla and Luna said walking up to them they responded with "hey" and "yo"

"Luna sit" heyes said a little tipsy Luna giggled sitting next to him


"Ethan " Ethan turned around being faced with Izzy Ethan looked around her

"I came alone " Ethan clenched his jaw about to walk away but she grabbed his hand

"Stop Ethan I'm sorry it's been 3 years I've missed you"

Ethan just stared at her not saying anything Izzy tried leaning in for a kiss but Ethan grabbed her wrists making her gasp

"Stop" he said izzy looked up at him

"It's me ethy" she said Ethan loosened his grip she grabbed him kissing him, Ethan kissed back

"I love you Ethan remember I've missed you so much baby" she said Ethan stared into her eyes and kissed her grabbing her waist pulling her in she smirked and kissed back


"Woah, damn!" Jack said they all looked at him

"Who are you looking at" Kayla asked jack nodded his head they all looked the way he was looking at seeing Ethan making out with some girl against the wall

Lunas eyes got watery she quickly wiped her eyes

"Who's that" heyes asked Grayson got up going up to them

"Uhhh what's going on" Kayla asked


"Ethan!" Grayson yelled Ethan pulled back izzy but her lip she smiled

"Grayson" izzy said with a grin Grayson clenched his jaw

"What are you doing here are you trying to mess with his head huh you Stu-"

"Grayson" Ethan said looking at him with a straight cold stare izzy smirked

"Are you serious" Grayson scuffed

"Of course you are" he shook his head

"Gray look-"

"Shut up" Grayson said walking away back to the group

"Who's that" Kayla asked

"A girl...a stupid fucking girl" gray said getting frustrated

"Explain dude"

"She's e's first girlfriend real girlfriend but she wasn't good for him she convinced him to do things that led to" Grayson looked at the guys and they understood

"Led to what" Kayla asked

"Bad stuff she not good for him but Ethan has a weak spot for her and I'm worried something bad is going to happen "


"Someone is going to get hurt..."

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