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"Luna do you want to go out with me some day" Luna looked at wes

"I-I"Luna didn't know what to say

"I like you Luna actually " Wes said Luna looked down biting her lip

"I-I'm not sure what I feel I like you but..."

"Can i at least try" he said Luna looked at him then smiled he smiled to

"Tomorrow at 6" he said Luna thinks about it then nods slowly wes smiled kissing her cheek

"See you later I have practice "

"Bye" Luna said wes walked away

Luna was getting her stuff from her locker getting ready to leave when she saw Ethan walk by her he didn't even look at her he was breathing heavily she examined him and noticed his hand was dripping blood she gasped

They boys ran by her but stopped

"Luna have you seen Ethan "Luna shook her head Grayson sighed


"He got mad and broke a windshield"

"With his fist!" Jack said still shocked Luna gulped Grayson said

"I need to find him " he said running off

"See ya"jack said

"If you see him let us know" heyes said running behind them

Luna looked around seeing no one she grabbed a first aid kit she had in her locker and walked over to where she saw Ethan which was going into the boys bathroom

Lunas pov
What am I doing , I'm walking into a boys bathroom,I hope no one is in here

Luna took a deep breath and walked in seeing Ethan leaning against the stall his hands were shaking out of anger and frustration he took out a prescription pill bottle taking a pill and swallowing it dry

"D-did you just swallow it dry" Luna asked Ethan looked up at her

"This is the boys bathroom" Ethan said not looking at her just looking up at the ceiling trying to slow his breathing

"I was worried about you I-I saw your hand-your eyes bleeding" Luna said said expecting him more now that she's up close she saw that his eye and lip where bleeding

Luna looked at his hands seeing pecices of glass in his knuckles

"What happened " Ethan didn't say anything

"Sorry I know I shouldn't be asking " Luna said looking down she remembers what she came there for and opened the first aid kit getting out everything she need to take the glass out

"What are you doing"

"Let me help you" she said with a small smiled and slowly took out the shards of glass in his knuckles Ethan rolled his neck around cracking it trying to distract himself from the pain

Luna put alcohol on his wounds then wrapped his hands

"Grayson is looking for you...he looks worried "

"Aren't they always " Ethan said to himself Luna was confused but decided not to ask

"I'm worried to" she said Ethan just looked at her Luna looked at him but quickly looked down

"I'm not worth worrying about " he said about to walk out of the bathroom but Luna grabbed his hand

Luna placed her hands on his chest looking up at him leaning in and kissed him Ethan kissed back they pulled back for ear staring into each others eyes


Ethan was in his room laying I. Bed thinking about what happened


Ethan was walking in the woods behind the school he didn't go to his last class he had Luna in that class and he couldn't face her after seeing her kiss wes

He was walking around when he heard noises he turned around seeing Derek who had a smirk

Before Ethan could say anything he fell to the ground when someone hit him with a metal bat he spit out blood Derek and his guys beat Ethan, Ethan unable to fight back Derek told them to stop , Ethan just laid there trying to catch his breath

"You didn't want to help us find but you still have something of mine dolan ...if you don't want your little princess to pay the price like your sister did I suggest you give it back before we come for you again...and your little Princess "

Ethan clenched his jaw they walked away Ethan whipped his mouth walking back to the parking lot he was filled with rage he was pacing back and forth he started kicking a car and punching it that's when the guys came out

"To Ethan-" Ethan punched the windshield shattering it Ethan was breathing heavily the guys were in shock

"How the fu-"


"Not now" Ethan said walking away

"Ethan Ethan!" Grayson yelled running after him


Ethan's POV
What do I do now....

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