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lunas pov

so its been a few weeks since...well you know i don't know what to feel anymore. this is the first time i've actually liked someone Ethan is different and if i'm being honest i'm not sure if its in a good or bad way yet. Ethan is...cold and sometimes mean, ok most of the time but its like i need him i felt normal and safe in his arms even if it was just for a little bit

luna was home alone since her parents were always away on bussniues trips she called luna grabbed her phone calling kayla

k-hey babes

L- do you wanna sleep over

k- are your parents not home again

L-mhm i dont like being alone so come please

k-duh im on my way put your bathing suit were going to the pool

and with that they hung up and luna jumped up excited going to her closet picking out a swim suit getting snacks ready for kayla to come


the door bell rang and luna opened the door she blinked

"what are you guys doing here" luna said

"come on luna your always home alone your house is like our hang out spot"

"any the only place we can smoke" heyes said

"but kayla-"

"shhh" jack said putting his finger on her lips luna rolled

"fine just dont touch the bar" luna said pointing her finger at him he smacked her hand putting her over his shoulder running inside

"yo ethan and grayson are here" heyes said they all turned

"yo whats popin" grayson said jumping on the couch with kayla ethan just leaned against the wall watching jack and luna play fighting

jack threw her on the couch flopping down next to her

"yo ethan you good dude" jack asked

"yeah...im great" he said clenching his jaw looking at luna

"can we go swimming now" kayla said

"lets go!"they all went outside they all jumped in except for luna and ethan

ethan sat on the edge smoking a blunt

"luna get in" kayla said

"its cold" luna said touching the water with her toes

"dont be a baby" heyes said luna stuck her tounge out at him

ethan chuckled watching her then jack came up behind her picking her up jumping in with her they both swam up luna splashed him everyone laughed ethan clenched his jaw watching them play around

"ima go inside"ethan said the grayson

"are you okay do we need to go home-"

"im fine grayson i just need some space ill back dont worry i wont do anything bad" ethan said grayson sighed watching ethan walk inside

ethans pov

yes im mad, i dont know what i feeling ,ever since i came back i've had eyes on me everywhere making sure i dont make a mistake, im tired of it ,of everyone being worried for me thinking im some dangours tiking time bomb...but with luna...when i was with her it was like nothing mattered like i can relase everything i was keeping inside and im not just saying that because we had sex ,yes it was part of it but it was more then that, all i cared about was what was going on in that room , nothing else but then that stupid thought that i cant do this, i cant be happy ,my past is to much of a burden, on the outside i can control my anger be emotionless because during the 3 years i had no one to turn to not even my family i had to depend on myself and sheld myself but that anger...its still there...luna makes me weak but i crave her i need her, i cant stay away no matter what i say but im dangours for her

"luna go get the snacks" heyes yelled luna huffed getting up

"bring lighter ethan took mine" jack said luna rolled her eyes going inside

Luna had everything but need to get cups for the drinks

"Where's the stole" Luna said talking to herself she huffed giving up getting on her tippy toes trying to reach for the cups

Luna felt herself getting lifted up she gasped but grabbed the cups , then the person put her back on the ground

"Thank you" Luna said not wanting to turn around having an idea of who was behind her

Ethan turned her around slowly making her face him he looked down at her body touching her sides playing with the strings of her bottoms

Lunas swimsuit:

"What are you doing" Luna said softly he looked her in the eyes leaning down

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"What are you doing" Luna said softly he looked her in the eyes leaning down

"I don't know anymore"....

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