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"18 innocent little one just like you like them " Derek said

"I've seen picture she's a pretty little doll better then the others you've brought me"

"I'll finished the orders here and I'll personally take you to her so you can meet her" Derek said

"I'll be waiting and remember I don't want anyone touching her that doll belongs to me now" the boss said then hung up

Ethan was listening form outside of the door

Ethan's pov


"I'll be back tomorrow"

"Can I see my brother"

"No and don't you even think about going near lunas room she's off limits "


"Don't go near her dolan cuz you might regret it " and with that he left Ethan waited then went up going to the door he started picking at the lock and it finally opened he saw Luna laying on the bed

"Princess " Luna turned and jumped on Ethan

"I thought something happened "

"No baby he left for the day I sneaked in here"

"I wanna go home"

"Soon princess I promise I won't let anything happen to you" Luna hugged him Ethan held her then leaned down to kiss her then pulled back

"Trust me " he said she nods


Ethan goes downstairs taking out the gaurd in front of the cells he walked in going to Grayson opening the cell

"Ethan! Your okay"

"Your alive"heyes said

"Your not dead"jack said

"Here" Ethan said giving Grayson a key

"Huh what's "

"Opens all the doors and lunas room upstairs room room far down "

"What's goign on"

"I have a plan stay in here for now you'll know when" he said to Grayson then left they all just stared at each other


They were sitting when they heard gun shot from upstairs

"Let's go" Grayson said running out they followed behind him the saw the body in the floor Kayla gasped jack held her behind him

"Yo gray watch out!" Heyes yelled seeing Guard come at him Grayson got out the gun shooting him and the others all making them collapse on the ground

"Did you-"

"I-I don't know" Grayson said sucking in his breath

"Let's go"


they make it upstairs bodys laying everywhere

"did you get luna" they quickly turned around Grayson pointing there gun at him

"Ethan you scared-"

"did you get luna" Ethan repeated

"no not yet"

"back stairs no ones their leads right to her room get her and go"

"what about you-"

"hey!" ethan quickly turned grabbing the gun bashing them in the head

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