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"i liked you ethan i trusted you then you left...you hurt me you chose her over me you left me for her"

"i know and im sorry luna i just-"

"then chose me Ethan... i love you"

"dont start again luna-"

"then just stop i want you ethan i-i need you but you dont want me you don't love me"luna said looking down as tears fell down her face ethan slowly reached to grab her hand

luna backed away from him

"leave ethan...i-i...i hate you" she said looking at him ethan cleanched his jaw he nods getting up he ceresed her cheek but she moved away ethan sighed and left

-school (a few weeks later)

"ethan" izzy said ethan rolled his eyes turning to e faced with izzy

"izzy,go away" ethan said annoyed of her

"you have been avoiding me"

"leave isabel"

"no, come with me"

"i have school go because im not going anywhere"

"its that girl that luna girl shes ruining everything"

"dont mention her"

"derek was supposed to take care of her" izzy said under breath

"derek what" ethan said hearing her

"nothing just-"ethan grabbed her neck

"he hurt her and you knew about it"

"e-ethan i-i"

"you lied to me" izzy managed to get out of his grip

"i did it for us"


"why wha-

"answer the fucking question before i lose my temper" he said grabbing her arm lzzy pushed him

"derek new you had a soft spot for her he gave you a warning and you ignored it, hes coming after you that stupid little girl was just the start "

"stay away from luna"

"he was right after all you do have a soft spot for her"

"leave her out of this"

"to late for that baby if you come with now i can try and convince derek to let you in again"

"id nevr go back you understand"

"we can be together ethan just me and you...remember the good time"

"i was young and stupid ,i had a weak spot for you because you always gave me what I wanted , you were easy I had no problem with you which made me want you and part of me still does...but Luna she's different and I won't let you are anyone hurt her "

"You want me you need me Ethan forget about her I'm here now baby I'll give you more then she ever did"Izzy said walking close to him kissing him Ethan kissed back grabbed her slamming her against the wall grabbing her arms pulling away

"Your not nothing I don't need"

"You love me remember that"

"Nah baby I had a weak spot for you cuz you were an easy fuck you don't come close to Luna"

"Derek is going to kill you"

"So he better aim right...tell him to have fun with my sloppy seconds cuz I don't need you anymore" Ethan said letting her go she gave him an angry glare he walking into school seeing Grayson

"What is she doing here"

"She won't be back for a while...I hope" Ethan said Grayson smirked

"Good ...what's up with Derek " Ethan looked at him

"I'll figure it out"

"I don't Want to see anyone else hurt e "

"I know-"

"Yo what's up guys" jack and heyes said walking up to them

They talked until Kayla walked up to them alone

"Hey guys"


"Where's Luna"

"Over there with Wes " Kayla said smiling Ethan clenched his jaw

"Yo no way since when"

"Like a month now there so cute HE actually treats her good" Kayla said giving etha. A look jack nudged her

"So their official "

"Well...no but soon Luna just keeps avoiding that question-omg" Kayla covered her mouth once she saw wes and Luna kiss

Luna pulled back and smiled blushing looking down Ethan bawled his fists and walked away

"Someone got jealous " heyes said chuckling

"His lost he had her then he ruined it"

"It's not his fault" Grayson said

"Yes it is-"

"You wouldn't understand so stop assuming things about my brother he cares about Luna just leave him alone" Grayson. Said walking away Kayla stayed silent

"Damn" heyes and jack laughed Kayla smacked them

"Shit up"....

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