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ethans pov
its been a month of doing derek's dirty work gray is still down in the cell with everyone i haven't been able to see them or luna and its killing me i just know they've been beat a couple times for trying to escape i've seen jack once he got brought up for being beat so badly that he passed out after that i haven't heard anything i'm worried but i know my brother he's gonna play it safe for now as for luna i haven't seen her i walk by her room i've tried to get in but its locked derek promised not to touch her again as long as i did what he wanted so thats what i'm doing , but i'm still going to make him pay for hurting her the first time i've gotten no information i have to figure something out fast i cant take another minute in here

"heres your next assignment" derek said handing him a folder ethan rolled his eyes taking the folder

"you want me to-"

"yes you leave in an hour"

"we never agreeed on killing anyone"

"deals change dolan he stole something from the boss and if you dont get it back your little girlfriend gets it" he said ethan clenched his jaw

"so do you got it or do i need to go pay your girl a vist upstairs"

"i got it" ethan said with his jaw cleanched



"get up we are having a party"

"im not in the mood"ethan said

"come were going to celebrate your first kill...my bad your second kill" derek said ethan cleanched his jaw

"can i see luna"

"not yet"

"why not"

"because i said so now lets go" he said ethan bawled his fists but followed him


ethan was in the kitchen getting water from the fridge when he felt arms around his torso he quickly turned around grabbing the persons arms

"relaxs ethy its just me" ethan cleanch his jaw

"what do you want haliey"

"you know what i want, you"

"no" ethan said letting her go

"youve been here over a month i like you ethy come on we'll have lots of fun ill make sure of it"

"not intrested "

"i want you and im going to have you" she said ethan looked down at her he smirked and nods

"you want me to fuck you"

"mhm" she said sudctivly

" you give me what i want and ill give you whatever you want babygirl" he said in her ear



"what do you want"

"derek your...his favorite "she smiles and nods he smirks

"if you want me then i want you to get everything on him, the so called boss, and any information that can help me destroy them" he said cearesing her cheek she gulped

"i cant do that"

" do you want me yes or no" ethan said grabbing her jaw

"fine...ill do it"

"good" he said she smirked and kissed him

"see you around" she said with a wink then walked away ethan wiped his mouth and scuffed

ethans pov
i would've done that a long time ago is i knew she was that easy...this is gonna end soon enough just you wait


"ethan " ethan looked up from his phone it was haleiy she smiled sitting on his lap

"here you go" she said ethan looked at what she was holding in her hands it was a hard drive

"oh i could kiss you" ethan said grabbing it

"your welcome" she said kissing him ethan didnt want to but kissed back it soon got heated and she was rocking back and forth on him until they heard talking she quickly got off of him fixing herself ethan let out a small chuckle

"dolan another assignment " derek said handing him a folder

"you, why are you here"

"i came to get something up but ill come later bye baby" she said kissing him

"bye ethy" she said with a wink and walked out swaying her hips

"what was she here for"

"dont ask cuz i dont have the time or intrest of paying attention to your fuck doll, i have a job to do so ima go do that" ethan said derek gave him a death stare but let him walk


ethan was at a coffee shop looking at the hard-drive haliey gave him he found files of shipments adresses of there hidden locations lists of people they murdered they even had files of videos of when some of the killings he also found files on him his family he opened a vedio of his sister she was tied to a chair

"s-stop i-im scared"

"relax im one of ethans friends little one im going to make you feel so good"

"n-no i w-want to go home "

"shhh just relax"

ethan listen to the screams of his 10 year old sister getting raped he felt his eyes water he couldnt see much more he skipped threw it and see his sister wrapped in sheets

"as much as i want you to rember this i cant your probly gonna go running to tell your parents and i cant have that "

"n-no" she said as they injected her with something making her go unconsious

"you sure"

"yes she wont remeber a thing"

"good cuz her brothers are still a use for me"

the vedio ended ethan cleanched his jaw he found files on files on his sister theyve been watching her since she was 7 years old he found pictures of her at home in news articles of when she was in beauty pageants conversations of plans to sell her to use her the recruited Ethan and Grayson to get closer to Josie the "boss" wanted her he wanted her all to himself the dolans where rich so they knew they couldn't just take her so they decided to eliminate everyone around her they didn't actually care about Ethan find out about them they just wanted them out of the picture so they went for Ethan first sadly she was in the way...she took the bullet instead

Ethan's pov
There gonna pay for this I promise


Ethan went to the house and saw Derek slapped and beating hailey

"Why did you take that hard drive answer me!"

"It was for Ethan , Ethan told me to get it please I'm sorry baby " she cried as she was bleeding Ethan clenched his jaw

Derek turned to him

"What, you!" Derek turned

"I didn't do anything " Ethan said

"He's lying he told me to believe my baby he wanted to end you" she said

"You really chose to betray me I warned you dolan -"

"You have my brother and his friends locked in a cell you have my girl upstairs locked in a room you've taken everyone from me why would I be that stupid"

Derek pointed his gun at him Ethan clenched his jaw he walked towards it so now the gun was pressed against his chest

"Go ahead shoot...i have nothing else to lose" he said Derek looked at him he put his gun down

"Lock her in a cell"

"No! No! He's lying!baby I love you! No!" She screamed Ethan clenched his jaw ......

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