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"E theres a party at jacks"grayson said as ethan was working out (boxing)

"i cant go out"

"come on just tonight it'll be fun"grayson insisted ethan stopped looking at him

"i can't grayson you know that you go ill just stay here i want to stay here okay"

"i can convince mom and dad if not well just sneak out youll be free to do whatever you want no one to watch you just come on-"ethan punched the wall breathing heavily cutting off grayson

"did you take your meds" grayson asked ethan clenched his jaw

"just go"

"E i didn't -"

"i apprecite that you always try to convince mom and dad to let me go out with you and your friends but we both know there right"

"their not your-

"grayson...its to soon alright i rather stay inside ...now go grayson leave me alone , i want to be alone alright im fine" ethan said grayson just looked at him and nods walking out


the teacher was passing back tests

"you need to pay more attention mr.dolan...and please show more effort"

"the effort i show is the most i can do"

"your effort right now is getting you close to an F in my class so you might want to try more then the bare minimum" mr.ross (calculas class)

"I'm trying-"

"Doesn't seem like it you need to put in more work before you fail this class your staying after school every day for the next few weeks so I can help"

"I can't-"

"You will if you want to pass this class do not argue with me mr dolan because it will not go your way"

Ethan clenched his jaw

"Good" the teacher said and walked back to the front the class stood quite


"Your late you missed your session where were you Ethan tell us now"


"Don't lie"

"I'm not I failed a test I-"

"Stop lying Ethan! Tell us the truth!"

"I'm not lying "

"Tell us where you were"

"Getting help for a test -"

"You already have a tutor your principal would've told us if you were to stay after so tell us we're you were now!" They yelled Ethan clenched his jaw bawling his fist digging his nails into his palms

"Talk Ethan !"

"Mom stop-"

"Stay out of this Grayson "

"Where do you think your going" his dad said as Ethan started walking upstairs


They yelled but he went to his room locking the door he sat on his bed taking a deep breath looking down at his hands zoning out


Ethan went down they were eating dinner he grabbed a bottle of water about to go back upstairs when his mother called out his name

"Sweetie come please " his mom said Ethan stopped

"We are sorry son your principal called she told us about your teacher "

"We are sorry for not believing you" she said trying to grab his hands but he backed up looking at them coldly

"Come eat with us son"Ethan shook his head No trying to move past them

"Sweetie please "

Ethan looked at them with no emotion

"I'm .not. hungry "

"You need to eat sweetie"

"I don't want to, I'll be fine ,I've gone days without eating , not eating right now isn't going to kill me, excuse me I'll be in my room" he said before walking back to his room his parents looked at each other sadly and worried

"Leave him alone for once"


"All this pressure The already took all those stupid tests the approved his realase so stop treating him like some walking time bomb your stressing him out"

"You don't know-"

"Know what, dad let him be all you guys are going to achieve is him exploding then you will have something to worry about" ....

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